Thursday, September 17, 2009

2009 Fall TV Preview

The Fall TV Season is gearing up and I'm psyched! This is looking to be one of the strongest seasons in recent memory, with plenty of new shows I want to check out. Not sure how I'm going to fit it all, thank god for DVR and online streaming on sites like Hulu and Fancast! I'll break it down by day of the week and if I miss any of your favorites, let me know in the comments!

8pm: How I Met Your Mother (CBS). In case you haven't figured it out by now, I'm a big HIMYM fan. Last season was kind of lackluster, but I think that's more because they had to work around the double pregnancies of the leading ladies than the creative well running dry. I hope this next season will be a return to form.

Other notes: I gave up on Heroes long ago, but it's still got a pretty solid fanbase. Hopefully HIMYM can continue to gain viewers this season. Also, I love Chuck, but it's not coming back until March. So sad.

8pm: So You Think You Can Dance (FOX). Also, an obvious pick for me. I'm sad the Top 20 (the good part of the show) doesn't start until Oct. 27, damn you baseball! I'm also interested to see how the changes they've added pan out.

Other notes: I hope the ratings pick up once the Top 20 start, but it has the toughest competition its ever faced now that it's in fall. I hope it can keep up.

Wednesday - my busiest TV day of the week by far.
8pm: America's Next Top Model (The CW). Shorty season! So far this show is proving to be much of the same, despite this season's gimmick. It's also a show that's been on for so long now that the contestants seem to know what's coming, which is cutting down on the drama a bit. There have no breakdowns during the makeovers, or even during the topless shoot. The show's going to have to come up with something new if it's going to make these girl cry.

8pm: So You Think You Can Dance Results (FOX). See above. Love it!

9pm: Glee (FOX). I've been in love with this show since they aired the premiere after American Idol. It's so bubbly and infectious, and I have loved all the musical numbers they've done so far. Each week, my love for this show grows.

9pm: Modern Family (ABC). I saw the pilot at D23 and loved it! I had heard the good buzz before, but didn't pay much attention to since I'm not much of a sitcom person (other than HIMYM). This show won me over within the first 5 minutes of the screening.

9:30pm: Cougar Town (ABC). I'm mainly just checking it out because of Courtney Cox. And, even though the premise sounded dumb at first, the promos have won me over.

10pm: Eastwick (ABC). 3 women find their inner witches to get everything they ever wanted in life and romance. I'm a sucker for the supernatural with some romance thrown in. (Note: Buffy, guilty pleasure Twilight, Charmed, and the list goes on.) That is enough for me to check out this show for at least the first few episodes.

8pm: Vampire Diaries (The CW). See Eastwick. Same reasons apply. Plus, Ian Somerhalder.

8pm: FlashForward (ABC). I saw the pilot at D23 and was impressed. This could be the show that fills the Lost void after its final season. Great cast, intriguing premise, and lots of potential.

9pm: The Office (NBC). I'm looking forward to all the Pam/Jim storylines that are coming up this season! As my favorite part of the show, I'm glad they're going to tackle a couple of big life milestones.

9:30pm: Community (NBC). It's the return of Chevy Chase! After his great turn in Chuck last season, I can totally see him succeeded in television. The show looks funny from all the clips and promos they've put out, and it's got a cast full of actors that have proven their comedy chops time and time again. My personal favorite: Ken Jeong.

9pm: Dollhouse (FOX). After a rocky start in its first season, this show got so incredibily, mind bendingly good. I'm surprised it got picked up for a second season, as I'm sure everyone else was. Joss shows always get better as they have more of their world built up and mythology to draw from. It's going to be a great second season.

and I think I've talked enough about TV. Whew, tired out. Well, what will you guys be watching?