I just found this great website where you can register for Scavenger Hunts! They have different hunts in different parts of Los Angeles, and each one is designed to showcase that area's history, art, and architecture. I really want to do one of these! Maybe I'll wait til the Haunted Hollywood one?
Doesn't that sound awesome?! For more of their scavenger hunts, check out their website.The Original Haunted Hollywood Scavenger Hunt, 3rd AnnualRecommended by the Daily News, Daily Breeze, LAist, Metromix, LA TimesOctober 24, 25, 30 and 31 5:30pm $25Did you know the Los Angeles is the #7 most haunted city in the US? Murders, Suicides, Burned Alive- All of these tortured souls still haunt Hollywood Boulevard. Discover these ghosts as you participate in the Haunted Hollywood Scavenger Hunt. Team up to uncover the haunting secrets of Hollywood. The Hollywood Hunt stars the ghosts of the Roosevelt, the Knickerbocker Hotel, many of the theaters and other secret locations revealed during the hunt. No prior ghost hunting know is required to solve the challenging clues, but a flashlight is helpful. This will sellout!