Friday, February 19, 2010

ABDC: Chart Topper Challenge

9 crews enter and only 8 will make it through to next week.

There are so many different styles and personalities represented in these crews. I can't wait to see who ends up on top!

This week's challenge has the crews taking some of today's most popular songs and having to shine through the music

Hype 5-0 (West - Hawaii)
I'ma Be by the Black Eyed Peas
I really want this crew to succeed! Islanders represent! But, this routine was not as strong as their first performance. They had a lot of energy, but they didn't have any truly stand out moments. That throw/jump was a disappointment after how much build up that move had. I expected some backflips or something. While they weren't their best, I hope they make it through to next week!
Heavy Impact (West - Los Angeles)
Say Ah by Trey Songs and Fabolous
I'm still very surprised that they made it to the finals. They had a great bridge jump over and under move. They're very clean and in snyc and these big guys doing back flips and jumps like they're nothing truly impresses me. They had a great routine tonight! It makes me worry for Hype 5-0's chances. You know Poreotix is making it through to the next round.

Poreotix (West - Westminster, CA)
Day and Night by Kid Cudi
Wow, I love them. Their isolations and robotics are just so good. They did tutting with not just hands but with fingers! What the heck are "crispy isolations"? JC definitely has a point that they need to diversify.

Swagger Crew (South - Atlanta, GA)
Hard by Rihanna
That was pretty good. They had attitude! The girl is really the star of this crew. Damn, I was not expecting the judging to be so harsh on them. I thought the routine had some great attitude and presence.

Jungle Boogie (South - Stone Mountain, GA)
How Low by Ludicris and Shawna
That was great! They had energy, they were in sync, they pulled out some very memorable moments. In particular, I loved the swagger/sway where the girl was a level above the fellas, the back flips towards the front of the stage, the African moves, and the ending back flip/roar move.

Royal Flush (South - Atlanta, GA)
Down by Jay Sean
Loved the "Flying Squirrel" (as Omarion called it) and the threading. They had some great lines too. The wheelbarrow flip at the end was great too. They are much improved from the first week. Looks like Swagger Crew is going to be in the bottom, which I would not have guessed given they were by far the strongest during the South Regional Show.

Side notes: is Georgia the only southern state with groove? And is there a ratio of 5 guys to 1 girl there? All the south crews danced very differently from one another, but are all from Georgia and have just 1 girl. Odd.

Saltare (East - Raleigh, NC)
Hotel Room by Pitbull
Wow, their timing is just so impressive! I loved when they went down the line and jumped through one by one, the flips within the ropes, and ending where they jumped as a group through the one small rope. Then when they dropped the rope and just did isolations was great surprise too. Glad to see them actually dance! I hope America loves them as much as me and the judges do.

Static Noyze (East - Cambridge, MA)
What didya say by Jason Derulo
I don't see them doing well when it comes to getting votes. The whole theatrical thing really slows down the momentum and doesn't produce many stand out moments for me. Now, they did turn out a solid performance with great lines and I loved the ending image of the girl throwing herself at the guy and getting caught by the other teammates.

Blue Print Cru (East - Montreal, Canada)
That's Not My Name by The Ting Tings
Wow, I want to not like them because they're from Canada, but that was so good! The breakaway to reveal the b-boying, when they threw the girl across the stage, their lines and formations - all great! I have no doubt they'll end up in the Final 3 if they can stay at this level.

The East Crews were the strongest of the night. (Which hurts a bit to say as an LA girl.) I think Swagger Crew has to be the one to go home tonight. They were the only crew to get really negative reviews. Plus, I refuse to think Hype 5-0 is going home.

Sudden Death
Tick Tock by Ke$ha
Hype 5-0 - nice lines and energy.
Swagger Crew - That ending move with all the rolls was great. Strong ending.
Static Noyze - Loved the move where the guy in back was rotated and you saw it through a fram made of the arms of the other crew members.

I don't want Hype 5-0 to go home, but it's definitely between them and Swagger Crew. Static Noyze had the most memorable and smooth performance in Sudden Death.

Farewell Swagger Crew. You had such a strong performance in your first week, I didn't see this coming. But they were definitely the weakest crew tonight.

Bottom 2 Prediction:
Hype 5-0
Royal Flush

Did you guys watch? Who do you think will be in the bottom next week?

Sassy Gay Friend

via @JamesGrosch

My, I wonder how other Shakespeare plays would be different if this character was in all of them!

Linkulous: Chocolate, Oscars, Ebert, and more!

TGIF! I hope you all have fabulous weekends filled with fun, despite the rain that we'll get here in LA. Enjoy these articles I read during the week and stay tuned for my delayed ABDC recap!

Which Social Network is Right for you? - with so many out there, how do you pick?

Oscar-Nominated Song Performers Told To Take a Seat - I'm kind of bummed to see this getting the axe, but I am excited for the dance routine they're adding this year.

Roger Ebert: The Essential Man - wow, I follow him on twitter and I had no idea any of this had happened.

Akon: Lady Gaga Made Me Rich - I'm not surprised! I hope she's getting rich off of her success too.

6 Ways the last season of Lost is just like the last season of Buffy - spoilers for both shows if you haven't seen it, but plan to.

Christoph Waltz and Water For Elephants
- I loved this book! I read this article and just got more excited for the movie as I went on. But then...RPattz in the lead? hmmm, we'll see how this goes.

American Pie 5? - Really?

7 Things Back to the Future Guessed Right - Ha, makes me want to watch it again and see if there are any more!

A Chocolate Lovers Dream
- of course they build this AFTER I leave China.

Forbidden Love: Five TV Hook-Ups That Left Fans Fuming

Sci-Fi Sexy Time: The All Time Hottest Hook Ups