Friday, February 19, 2010

Linkulous: Chocolate, Oscars, Ebert, and more!

TGIF! I hope you all have fabulous weekends filled with fun, despite the rain that we'll get here in LA. Enjoy these articles I read during the week and stay tuned for my delayed ABDC recap!

Which Social Network is Right for you? - with so many out there, how do you pick?

Oscar-Nominated Song Performers Told To Take a Seat - I'm kind of bummed to see this getting the axe, but I am excited for the dance routine they're adding this year.

Roger Ebert: The Essential Man - wow, I follow him on twitter and I had no idea any of this had happened.

Akon: Lady Gaga Made Me Rich - I'm not surprised! I hope she's getting rich off of her success too.

6 Ways the last season of Lost is just like the last season of Buffy - spoilers for both shows if you haven't seen it, but plan to.

Christoph Waltz and Water For Elephants
- I loved this book! I read this article and just got more excited for the movie as I went on. But then...RPattz in the lead? hmmm, we'll see how this goes.

American Pie 5? - Really?

7 Things Back to the Future Guessed Right - Ha, makes me want to watch it again and see if there are any more!

A Chocolate Lovers Dream
- of course they build this AFTER I leave China.

Forbidden Love: Five TV Hook-Ups That Left Fans Fuming

Sci-Fi Sexy Time: The All Time Hottest Hook Ups

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