and I love it! I'm a big Queen fan, and these mash ups with the Muppets and now Mario just make me so happy.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Just Another Manic Monday
Take a second to breathe and readjust to the work week after a long weekend. Did you breathe? Now, get ready to "awwwww":
Just for fun
Star Trek Meets The A-Team
I just rewatched Star Trek over the holiday weekend. God, I love that movie. I'm excited to see what they do in this new alternate timeline in the upcoming sequel(s).
To help ease you back in to the work week after a great long holiday weekend, check out this great Star Trek/A-Team mash-up:
To help ease you back in to the work week after a great long holiday weekend, check out this great Star Trek/A-Team mash-up:
Clips of the Week,
Just for fun,
mash up,
sci fi
Sunday, November 29, 2009
"Do The Robot" Just Got Redefined
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I know I'm stuffed the brim, and so is my fridge with holiday leftovers. I'll be eating well for a while.
Well, now that Thanksgiving and Black Friday are over, it's time to get into the christmas spirit! Check out this great robot dance number to Silent Night/Santa Claus is Coming to Town:
Well, now that Thanksgiving and Black Friday are over, it's time to get into the christmas spirit! Check out this great robot dance number to Silent Night/Santa Claus is Coming to Town:
Just for fun,
sci fi
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Safe Travels and Happy Thanksgiving!
I just want you guys to think of this kid's mad parking skills while you're braving through traffic this holiday weekend. Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!
Just for fun
From the Archive: SNL Digital Short
How did I miss this?
Shia and Andy have the best look in the world on SNL
Shia and Andy have the best look in the world on SNL
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
So You Think You Can Dance: Top 12

Tonight marks the last time the couples are staying together. Some of them I'm sad to see part, but for the majority I feel like this will really separate the men from the boys, so to say. Well, lets get down to the dancing.
Ryan & Elenore
Dance 1:
Lindy Hop by Carla Heiney
I've got to be a rug cutter
That was such a fun routine and they were so cute! I loved the slide Ryan did to the front on his heels. The cartwheels and lifts and flips were great. I had no idea Ryan was playing with a recently injured back, he really played up the fun and hid the pain well.
Dance 2:
Broadway by Spencer
Razzle Dazzle from Chicago (original Broadway soundtrack)
Ellenore was really strong in this routine. The vertical split with the foot flexing, the move Adam pointed out, was really impressive. I also loved her very jerky movements while Ryan held her up on his shoulders.
Kathryn & Legacy
Dance 1:
Jazz by Sonya
So Deep by Hot Chip
That was hot! It is funny how very b-boy a lot of Legacy's moves were in a Jazz routine. It will be very interesting to see them with different partner, since they have developed a really good partnership and chemistry. I could see Kathryn really exploding and coming into her own with a new partnership, a la Jeanine last season.
Dance 2:
Viennese Waltz by Jean-Marc Genereaux
Your Guardian Angel
The Red Jumpsuit Appartus
That was my favorite waltz since Twitchington's in Season 4. Wow, absolutely loved that. When they showed Legacy's teary eyes and his little speech about hope, well I was sold. Voting for them like 10 times tonight.
Karen & Victor
Dance 1:
Tango by Tony and Melanie
Montserrat by Orquesta
I didn't see the secret lovers plot they talked about in pre-dance video. It was nice to see Victor finally do something other than Contemporary/Jazz, but I wasn't as impressed as the judges were. If they had been together longer, this could have been an amazing routine. But as it was, I didn't see the chemistry that was needed. I'm thinking this will be in the bottom three couples.
Dance 2:
Hip Hop by Lorieanne Gibson
Moving Moutains by Usher
That was kind of boring. Slow, lacking focus, and lacking attitude. This was more of an issue of choreography, though. I totally agree with Mary, there was nothing that stood out and that will be remembered when looking back at the dances tonight.
Nathan & Mollee
Dance 1:
Hip Hop by Jamal Sims
Ring-A-Ling by Black Eyed Peas
That was really good! Looks like the Top 12 are killing it this week. Nathan was REALLY good at hip hop. He just hit those beats so well. It was interesting to see hip hop done in 1800s clothes, too. I loved the move where Nathan did spins on his toe while Mollee did those cartwheels/back handsprings behind him. I agree with the judges that they'll really benefit from a partner switch up. They're just such babies together. Very disappointed in that routine, I expect more given Lorieanne's track record.
Dance 2:
Can Can by Tyce Diorio
Can Can Suite by Offenback
Wow, Nathan's pirourettes are great. Mollee's ariel was really impressive too. That was fun and fast and they did a great job.
Russel & Noelle
Dance 1:
Samba by Tony and Melanie
Hips Don't Lie by Shakira
Meh, I didn't really care for that. It was nice, but not very memorable for me.
Dance 2:
Contemporary by Tyce Diorio
A Case of You by Diana Krall
I'm glad Russell finally got to do contemporary before the Top 10. It was beautiful and just flowed. I'm glad they got to end on this dance, it'll definitely garner them more votes than their Samba will.
Ashleigh & Jakob
Dance 1:
Lyrical Jazz by Sonya
Time Flies by Lykke Li
That looked so technically hard - with the lifts and jumps and splits. Wow, Adam was nearly brought to tears from that. Jakob just has such incredible lines and flexibility, it is UNREAL. Sonya had a great night tonight between this routine and Kathryn & Legacy's routine.
Dance 2:
ChaCha by Jean-Marc Genereaux
ChaCha Hells by Rosabel
I think Ashleigh might have finally won me over. She was phenominal! They killed it. They had a great night over all - helped by the fact they they both got to dance their styles tonight.
Standouts: Loved the Nathan/Mollee hip hop, Kathryn/Legacy Waltz and Jazz, and the Ashleigh/Jakob ChaCha.
Bottom 3 Predictions: Karen/Victor, Ryan/Ellenore, and Russell/Noelle. I'm thinking Victor and Karen are going home, just shy of the Top 10. I could see Ryan going in Victor's place depending on solos, though.
Overall, I think this was a pretty strong episode with a few memorable dances that just might end up being performed again in the finale. What did you think of the Top 12 dances?
WTF: Comfort Wipe
Thanks goes to Justin, for posting this on Facebook. I can't believe this thing actually exists. How lazy are people?
Just for fun
I Love You Philip Morris
This is the first I'm seeing of this movie, and while it looks odd, it also looks like it could be really funny, offbeat, and awesome.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Weekend Movies 11/20

I spent last weekend mostly spending time in the movie theater. Exactly how I love spending my weekends! Here's my thoughts on the movies I saw this weekend.
The Twilight Saga: New Moon
Ok, I like my vampire media. Just to give you an idea: I'm rewatching Buffy and Angel with the roommates, loving Vampire Diaries and True Blood, and read all the Twilight books. But I hated the first Twilight movie. Twilight was just a blue, poorly shot, poorly acted mess. The only way I got through that movie was with two glasses of wine. And I'm not the only one. While it racked in the dough, it scored a lackluster 49% on Rotten Tomatoes. I was abroad when it came out, so I completely missed the madness and didn't quite get it. Then I came back and fell into the books and now I'm one of the people who contributed to its $140+ million box office weekend.
I saw it Friday night and got in line for the screening about 2 hours before the show started. The line was stereotypically mostly young women, but there were a few groups of guys seeing it (to pick up young chicks? Fans of Taylor Lautner's abs? Who knows.) Watching it with such a fanatical crowd was really the highlight. The girls screaming when Taylor Lautner takes off his shirt, the one girl who let out a lustful "oooh my godddd" when Bella and Jacob hugged, and the chorus of "NOOOOOO"s when it ended - the mania totally makes the experience better.
The movie itself, not so great but not terrible either. It was way better than the first, overall. Shot better, marginally better acting, and the dialogue was way less clunky (see: "Hop on my back, spidermonkey!"). The best parts were when they weren't talking, though. The chase scene in the woods and the fight in Italy were really well done - I loved how they played around with time to show just how fast they move. The ending was a nice change from the book; it makes the audience want to see "Eclipse" all the sooner. And we don't have to wait long, "Eclipse" comes out June 30, 2010. If New Moon makes that much money in November, I don't even know what the next one will make as a summer blockbuster.

This movie clocks in at nearly 3 hours, but it did not feel like that at all to me. The beginning, where they're introducing the characters and trying to make us care for them, was slow and didn't really pull me in. But that's not why we see these types of movies is it? I went for the spectacle and boy did it deliver! The sheer scale of it all and immediacy of the diaster had my heart pumping. Plus, I LOVED that little dog. Yay, Japanese Shins! The deaths at the end seemed a little rushed and unecessary, but otherwise a pretty solid action flick to tide us over until the summer blockbuster season.

The Blind Side
I went in this movie expecting to come out a bawling mess. The trailer alone had me in tears! But, while it was emotional and touching and great story, it never packed that emotional punch that would have turned me into a weepy mess. It was a great inspirational family story. I wouldn't categorize it as a sports movie though, since there's a total of maybe 10 minutes of football footage in the film. The focus is on Mike and Leanne (Sandra Bullock) and how this relationship changed both their lives. They both put in great performances (Sandra Bullock for Best Actress?) and it was a really well paced movie that didn't drag its feet in the melodrama. It's gotten good reviews from the critics, and even as an A+ from audience exit polls on CinemaScope. If this movie can keep its legs and gross some big money, along with a big push from Warner Bros. I could definitely see Sandra Bullock getting some award recognition for the role.
Did you guys see any movies this weekend? What'd you think?
be prepared,
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Joseph Gordon Levitt "Makes 'Em Laugh"
Last night, SNL got a jolt of energy after last week's lackluster performance. Joseph Gordon Levitt came on to "make em laugh" and did so on what seems like a sugary/caffeiney rush. He was just so excited and pumped to be there and it showed in every one of his sketches. Below are my favorite bits from the night.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt's Opening Monologue
Palin 2012
Digital Short with Reba
Al Gore Needs to "Get Crazy"
The Mellow Show with Jack Johnson
Joseph Gordon-Levitt's Opening Monologue
Palin 2012
Digital Short with Reba
Al Gore Needs to "Get Crazy"
The Mellow Show with Jack Johnson
Lady Gaga: The Fame Monster
I'm totally buying this album next week. So excited for her Best Buy appearance!
[Found on The Audio Perv]
[Found on The Audio Perv]
Friday, November 20, 2009
Old School Lady Gaga
This just proves to all the Lady Gaga haters that underneath the techno beats and studio produced dance hits, she can sing your pants off.
Twilight: Nailed!

Check out these nails that The Daily Nail did in honor of Twilight: New Moon's release this weekend. One nail for each book title.
Will you guys be checking out New Moon this weekend? Did you already see it last night? I'm seeing it tonight and I'll be sure to let you guys know what I think!
geeky crafts,
For Your Consideration

Keep in mind that I haven't seen many of these movies, and am just going off buzz and critical reviews, here are my guesses for Best Picture nominees:
Inglorious Basterds
Precious (critical acclaim and it's breaking box office records)
Star Trek (long shot, but I'm holding out hope)
Up in the Air
The Lovely Bones
The Hurt Locker (this was a heart pumper, so well made and made a good chunk of change)
Nine (Rob Marshall could do it again)
award show,
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Deleted Twilight Scene
In honor of all the Twilight: New Moon midnight screenings, I present to you this deleted scene:
Just for fun,
Chuck Returns!
One of my favorite shows just got pushed up! Chuck was originally set to start back up again in March, after the Olympics. However, news just hit the interwebs that it's coming back January 10 for a 2 hour season premiere (2 episodes back to back) and then going to its permanent time slot on Mondays at 8pm the next day, January 11. That's 3 hours of Chuck-goodness spread over just 2 days!
Check out this Thank You Video/Promo trailer and scene:
I'm so excited to see how things develop with Intersect 2.0 in his head!
For full Chuck news, check out The Watcher.
Check out this Thank You Video/Promo trailer and scene:
I'm so excited to see how things develop with Intersect 2.0 in his head!
For full Chuck news, check out The Watcher.
Facebook Class

Check out these awesome Facebook inspired cufflinks. Nothing says Social Media King like em!
[Found on]
geeky crafts,
social media
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Happy Humpday
Enjoy this awesome Sesame Street editing job. Happy Wednesday!
Clips of the Week,
Just for fun,
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
So You Think You Can Dance: Top 14

Couple: Ashleigh & Jacob
Dance: Hip Hop
Choreographer: Nappy Tabs
Song: Whatcha Say by Jason Derulo
Wow, that crazy flip. Jacob looks like a hip hop dancer. I loved the routine, just not Ashleigh's facial expressions. She's just too much and overacted the emotion. But otherwise, wow, that was great. Jacob is amazing and has once again proven how versatile he can be, he's definitely a front runner on the show for me.
Couple: Karen & Kevin
Dance: Broadway
Choreographer: Spencer Liff (New Guy)
Song: If My Friends Could See Me Now from Sweet Charity (Christina Applegate)
It was a little slow and didn't have as much personality as I felt it should have. Karen wasn't sexy for once, and I think that really hurt her.
Couple: Noelle & Russell
Dance: Foxtrot
Choreographer: Eddy Simons (?)
Song: Baby You've Got What it Takes by Michael Buble
Cool flip over Russell, but it would have been cooler if they hadn't shown it in the pre-dance video. It looked like they were having fun. This was much improved from his first foxtrot! I'm sure it's a combination of being on the show longer, having a different choreographer, and having his actual partner. Is this really the 2nd most "deadly" dance? I guess with Disco becoming a show stopper with the speed and tricks, something had to take its place.
Couple: Channing & Victor
Dance: Jazz
Choreographer: Tyce D'Orio
Song: Blackbird by Bobby McFerrin
They really needed to get something outside of their comfort zone. I don't think they're really able to show off their talents and versatility. That was a very weird song to see danced too, cool though. I think the only way we'll really see Victor grow they way Nigel talked about is if he gets to do something like Hip Hop, Afro Jazz, or even ballroom. Overall, that was a very good dance and they are talented, but they're at risk of being forgotten by America.
Couple: Kathryn & Legacy
Dance: Paso Doble
Choreographer: Tony Meredith
Song: Pursuit from Ka (Cirque Du Soleil)
Cool beginning with spinning her around. I love the leg drags. I love the death drops in these numbers. I did not think Legacy could pull that off! Actually, I did not think Kathryn could pull off that intensity either. Wow, they both surprised me!
Couple: Elenore & Ryan
Dance: Contemporary
Choreographer: Travis Wall
Song: Your Ex-Lover's Dead Stars
Wow, that was my favorite routine of the night. Great song choice, great use of emotion. Ryan is just so strong, those lifts were so beautiful and graceful. Travis Wall has pulled out another great routine, that is not only my favorite of the night but most likely my favorite of the season so far. This song and routine will be on repeat for me.
Couple: Mollee & Nathan
Dance: Pop Jazz
Choreographer: Lorieanne Gibson
Song: Bad Romance Lady Gaga
The video overhyped it. I really expected more after the video and from Lorieanne since her "Battlefield" routine from last season is among my favorites. I thought it was good, but there were some weird moments that took me out of the routine.
This week had some great routines, some surprises, and a couple routines that I've already forgotten and I think America will too. My predictions for the bottom three:
Karen & Kevin - this routine fell flat. Without Karen's sex appeal, I'm not sure America will vote for them.
Victor & Channing - they danced well, but they are pretty one note so far. And that's not their fault, it's all in the luck of the draw.
Noelle & Russell - The foxtrot was solid, but not a show stopper. They did they best they could with the material, but this is the 2nd "deadliest" and the other routines were pretty solid. The only other routine that could be in the bottom would be Legacy & Kathryn, but their Paso Doble was such a surprise.
I don't know who's going home, it will really depend on the solos. My best guess: Kevin and Channing.
I'm sure you all have seen the DirectTV commercial with Chris Farley and David Spade. It just makes me uncomfortable to watch because it feels like it's robbing the grave to use his image to sell products now. It's just inappropriate and it looks like I'm not the only one who thinks so. Here's a parody, from the guys that brought us Mad Men in 60 Seconds, that takes DirectTV's tactics just a couple steps further:
[Found via Josh]
[Found via Josh]
Horrible Turn
There are fans, and then there are Joss Whedon fans. My friend Brian wrote a great blog post about why he loves Joss, and it really sums it up quite nicely so you should read it HERE.
Well, this group of fans went the extra mile. Having no prior film experience, they created a prequel to Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog, called "Horrible Turn." It follows Dr. Horrible and The Hammer before they were archnemesises to find out just how their relationship and super-ness began. Watch it:
This is just part one, but if you enjoy it you can catch all ten parts on Popwatch's post about it.
Well, this group of fans went the extra mile. Having no prior film experience, they created a prequel to Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog, called "Horrible Turn." It follows Dr. Horrible and The Hammer before they were archnemesises to find out just how their relationship and super-ness began. Watch it:
This is just part one, but if you enjoy it you can catch all ten parts on Popwatch's post about it.
joss whedon,
Just for fun
Video Phone
This is "Video Phone" by Beyonce (featuring Lady Gaga), not to be confused with "Telephone" by Lady Gaga (featuring Beyonce). I like "Telephone" better, but "Video Phone" is pretty good, too. I love Lady Gaga, so much. In case you haven't figured it out yet.
In other news, she'll be at the local Best Buy here on Monday 7/23. If you buy Fame Monster or Heartbreaks there that day, you could get signed! OMG SO EXCITED!!!
UPDATE: You can listen to her WHOLE album through MTV.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Nine: The Movie Musical
not to be confused with 9, the post-apocalyptic animated movie.
The movie looks beautiful from the trailer alone! I'm not sure how I feel about Kate Hudson's voice, or how well Penelope Cruz can sing either, but it's got some great talent behind it.
The movie looks beautiful from the trailer alone! I'm not sure how I feel about Kate Hudson's voice, or how well Penelope Cruz can sing either, but it's got some great talent behind it.
V Humor
Two episodes in and I'm digging V. It's not the best, but it definitely has potential. Here are a couple cool V tidbits:
[found on The Nonsensical Ravings of a Lunatic Mind]

Friday, November 13, 2009
WTF: Twilight Barbies

Are you serious? I love how the Jacob Barbie is shirtless. I know the fans for the series run young, but Barbie young?!
Just for fun,
Pigeon Impossible
I present to you, Pigeon Impossible. This could totally be a Pixar short if it had some more advanced animation. This took the small company five years to finish it. Now that's dedication!
[found on Popwatch]
short film
Glee: Volume 2

- “Proud Mary
- “Endless Love”
- “I’ll Stand By You”
- “Don’t Stand So Close To Me / Young Girl”
- “Crush”
- “(You’re) Having My Baby”
- “Lean On Me”
- “Don’t Make Me Over”
- “Imagine”
- “True Colors”
- “Jump”
- “Smile” (cover of Lily Allen)
- “Smile” (cover of Charlie Chaplin)
- “And I Am Telling You I’m Not Going”
- “Don’t Rain On My Parade”
- “You Can’t Always Get What You Want”
- “My Life Would Suck Without You”
Have you guys listened to Glee: Volume 1? I'm totally loving it. The only songs that were missing were the mashups "It's My Life/Confessions" and "Halo/Walking on Sunshine", and I ended up buying those on iTunes to make up for it.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Modern Family: Sneak Peak
I missed Modern Family last night. Darn you CMAs! But, here's a sneak peak for next week, which has a guest appearance by the hilarious Elizabeth Banks. It doesn't make up for the missing episode, but does make the wait til next Wednesday a little easier.
modern family,
I'm "Mad" about January Jones!
Man, isn't January Jones the coolest? She's just one of the fellas, which makes her portrayal of Betty Draper all the better.
And she's hosting SNL this weekend! Man, SNL may always be better in an election year (so last year for those of you not paying attention), but it's gotten some top notch talent so far this season. Check out the promo with January here:
Just for fun,
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
So You Think You Can Dance: Top 16

Couple: Kevin & Karen
Dance: Hustle (Disco)
Choreographer: Maria Torres
Song: "Come to Me" France Joli
It had a cool flip and graceful jump by Kevin. Those lifts looked effortless to me. Nice death drops. It took a while for it to pick up for me, but it ended up being a really great dance. I didn't notice his nervous face during the death drops.
Couple: Ashleigh & Jakob
Dance: Jazz
Choreographer: Mandy Moore
Song: "Relax" Frankie Goes to Hollywood
The cane prop is definitely going to be tricky. Very interesting song choice. I didn't even notice the supposed cane malfunction, they played it off so well. Wow, Nigel compared Jakob to Joel Grey and that is a great compliment.
Couple: Peter & Pauline
Dance: Quick Step
Choreographer: a new couple: JT & Thomas
Song: Hey Baby (Shake Those Hula Hips)
Aw, Peter's work in SPIN is really admirable. I like the hula girl storyline. For the "kiss of death" dance, I actually really liked it. That whole routine was adorable. I completely agree with the judges on this one. While it wasn't technically perfect, it was a great performance. The judges forgot about Vitolio & Asuka's quickstep last season - that had the museum story and was until now, the only quickstep I enjoyed.
Couple: Legacy & Kathryn
Dance: Broadway
Choreographer: Andrew Blankenburger (? or something like that)
Song: "I Wanna Be Like you" Swinging' Fireballs
Haha, they're fighting over the remote. I loved when Legacy kicked over Kathryn. Also, his feet first slide through her legs and then his roll to headstand then back into the chair. Great stand out moments.
Couple: Victor & Channing
Dance: Contemporary
Choreographer: Stacy Tookey
Song: "Be Be Your Love" Rachel Yamagata
I thought it was a very pretty dance, but I didn't have the emotional response that I was expecting given the music and tone of it. I do think this was the softest we've seen Channing, though. If they stick around, they could grow into a strong couple. But I don't see them sticking around very long, sadly.
Couple: Elenore & Ryan
Dance: Hip Hop
Choreographer: Lil C (he's back!! I missed his choreography last season)
Song: "Lost Biz Anthem" Tha J-Squad
They were a bit out of sync, not quite as hard hitting. Overall, it was just an ok routine that is ultimately pretty forgetable. I agree with Nigel, they just did the steps, but they didn't feel it.
Couple: Molly & Nathan
Dance: Salsa
Choreographer: Gustavo Vargas
Song: "Quimbara" Celia Cruz
They finally looked like adults! Molly was pretty stiff, and it seemed a bit awkward at times. That ending move was a bit flubbed too. I'm glad Nathan was able to keep his sense of humor with that "I felt...HOT" moment. Loved that moment more than the entirety of the dance.
Couple: Noelle & Russell
Dance: African Jazz
Choreographer: Sean Cheesman
Song: "Frog Dance" Mickey Hart
Totally ripping off the storyline of the upcoming Disney movie "The Princess and the Frog". I love mid-dance costume changes! The standing leap frog type moves were very impressive.
My favorite routine is a toss up between the Afro-Jazz number and the Broadway routine. Even with the flaws, they were the most enjoyable for me to watch.
I'm glad America is voting now, it makes it even less predictable! Especially since this is the first time America is voting, I have no idea who are America's favorites, and can afford to have a lackluster night. I'm guessing that Ryan & Elenore, Molly & Nathan, and Victor & Channing will be in the bottom tomorrow night, with Victor & Channing going home. But then again, Nolly and Rylenore could have big fanbases that save them.
Who do you guys think will be going home tomorrow?
I present to you, the next big comic book (ish) movie. I'm definitely checking this one out come April.
comic book movies,
Lady Gaga's got me caught in a "Bad Romance"
I love her so much! The crazy fashion, the epic music videos, the dance-y, catchy pop. I just can't stop listening to her.
100 Sexy Men in 1 minute
Not just sexy, but 2009's Sexiest! Here's People's 100 Sexiest Men:
Do you recognize them all? It's got some of my favorites: Shia, Channing, Zefron, Jake, Brad, Bradley, etc.
Do you recognize them all? It's got some of my favorites: Shia, Channing, Zefron, Jake, Brad, Bradley, etc.
Just for fun
Monday, November 9, 2009

ABC7 just posted an article about the 7 best cupcake places in Los Angeles. Here's their list:
Auntie Em's Kitchen
4616 Eagle Rock Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90041
(323) 255-0800
4616 Eagle Rock Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90041
(323) 255-0800
Yummy Cupcakes
2918 W Magnolia Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91505
(818) 558.1080
2918 W Magnolia Blvd.
Burbank, CA 91505
(818) 558.1080
Famous Cupcakes
4820 Laurel Canyon Blvd.
Valley Village, CA 91607
(888) 774-9140
4820 Laurel Canyon Blvd.
Valley Village, CA 91607
(888) 774-9140
Susie Cakes
11708 San Vicente Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90049
(310) 442-2253
11708 San Vicente Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90049
(310) 442-2253
The Cobbler Lady
3854 Crenshaw Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90008
(323) 298-2144
3854 Crenshaw Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90008
(323) 298-2144
Lark Cake Shop
3337 W. Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(323) 667-2968
3337 W. Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90026
(323) 667-2968
Violet's Cakes
21 E Holly St.
Pasadena, CA 91103
(626) 395-9821
21 E Holly St.
Pasadena, CA 91103
(626) 395-9821
French's Cupcake Bakery
273 E. 17th St.
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
(949) 642-0571
273 E. 17th St.
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
(949) 642-0571
1341 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd., Suite #102
Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
(805) 496-0123
1341 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd., Suite #102
Thousand Oaks, CA 91362
(805) 496-0123
13855 City Center Dr., #3010
Chino Hills, CA 91709
(909) 591-3646
I'm surprised Crumbs and Sprinkles don't make the list. I haven't been to many of these places, but I do think Royal T Cafe should be on this list. They're not a cupcake place, but they do have the best cupcakes. Have you guys been to any of these places? 13855 City Center Dr., #3010
Chino Hills, CA 91709
(909) 591-3646
Sunday, November 8, 2009
As I mentioned before, Taylor Swift hosted SNL this weekend. Here's my favorite skit of the night. The Digital Shorts are usually the best parts of the show.
Just for fun,
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Taylor Swift's Scare
This is awesome! The more I see of Taylor Swift, the more I like her. She's bridging the gap between country and pop, and being super cute in the process. The whole Kanye thing has just pushed her futher into the limelight and into everyone's good graces. She's hosting SNL tonight and I think she'll put in a good show. I'm not a big fan of when they have people perform and host (besides JTim, because he can do no wrong), but I'm thinking she'll be able to hold her own. Are you guys going to watch?
Just for fun,
Friday, November 6, 2009
Caprica: The BSG Prequel
I wasn't too impressed by Syfy deciding to make a BSG prequel. I loved BSG, even with its lackluster ending. But spin-offs, prequels, and sequels are hit or miss. You run the risk of tainting the greatness of the original by piling on new storylines that we never really wanted to hear. But, that being said, this trailer does make me want to tune in to the new series. Plus, it's got James Marsters playing the bad guy, which he does so well (see: Buffy). Will you guys be checking it out?
Mad Men
In honor of the finale this weekend, here are a few great Mad Men parodies for you:
Mad Men in 60 Seconds (my favorite)
Milk Men - A Mad Men Parody
Mad Men in 60 Seconds (my favorite)
Milk Men - A Mad Men Parody
Just for fun,
mad men,
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Too Much of a Good Thing: Men in Black

I loved the first movie, but the 2nd movie was pretty lackluster. And now it's been 7 years since the last one. Do we really need another MiB movie?
The only thing making me think this could actually turn out to be a good movie: Etan Cohen. He's not a name most recognize, but we all have seen his work. He wrote Tropic Thunder, which is a great blending of action and comedy, much like MiB will be. He created great characters and put them in an extraordinary situation. He also wrote Madagascar 2, which I actually really liked. He's proven he's got the comedy chops and can bring original ideas to the screen. Hopefully, he can work his mojo on the MiB franchise! So far they haven't gotten Will Smith and Tommy Lee to fully commit, but if they can get Grade A talent behind the camera, I'm sure they'll get it in front.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
George Lucas' "Singing in the Rain"
An American film classic, like you've never seen it before!
dance movies,
Just for fun
It's Complicated
This looks like a much better version of "Something's Gotta Give". It's got such a wonderful cast with Meryl, Alec, and Steve Martin. The highlight of the trailer is definitely when Steve Martin is "having fun". Check it out below. Do you think you'll watch it?
Oh Hipsters...
This spoof is hilarious!
Speaking of, what did you guys think of Where the Wild Things Are? I liked it, but not nearly as much as I thought I would given the great reviews it got.
Clips of the Week,
Just for fun,
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
So You Think You Can Dance: Top 18

This is the last week of the rushed episodes, now that the World Series is wrapping up soon. Thank goodness! I want to vote and have my say! So let's get started on the Top 18.
Couple: Noelle/Russell
Dance: Hip Hop
Choreographer: Jamal Sims
Song: Move Shake Drop Remix
I loved the idea behind it, but the execution was too rushed and messy. The matrix style move was the highlight for me. Noelle's sloppy cartwheel stood out in the wrong way. I'm glad Noelle can stay on the show, but that was not the best first impression for this couple.
Couple: Jakob/Ashleigh
Dance: Viennese Waltz
Song: At Last by Etta James
They had pretty good lifts, but it was weird because they're basically the same size. Ashleigh may even be bigger than him. The judges love her, but I still can't get over her terrible audition.
Couple: Victor/Bianca
Dance: Broadway
Choreographer: Tyce D'Orio
Song: Maybe God is Trying to Tell You Something from "The Color Purple"
Bianca looked more natural and committed to the character. Victor is too trained and was a little too polished for it to seem like a spontaneous gospel dance.
Couple: Mollee/Nathan
Dance: Bollywood
Choreographer: Nicoul
Nathan is amazing. Those pirourettes...and then he slowed down and stayed on one leg, just ridiculous! This was the first dance where I actually liked the use of the screen at the back of the screen. The opening image with the sun was striking.
Couple: Channing/Philip
Dance: Samba
Song: Maracutu Funk
Wow, those lifts looked painful! Channing did alright with her hip turns, but she just danced very heavy. It must be that athletic background of hers. Those lifts just made me worry that Philip was going to drop her. I totally agree with with Nigel, it looked like he was lifting a "sack of potatoes" instead of a graceful lady. I was very surprised that only Philip was in the bottom, but it was mainly his struggles with the lifts that brought them down.
Couple: Kevin/Karen
Dance: Hip Hop
Choreographer: Nappy Tabs
Song: Ice Cream Paint Job
Damn, this was such a fun, sexy dance! Karen is hot hot hot, and sorry Kevin but you still weren't very noticed in this routine. I loved the car sounds and the corresponding dance moves. Shankman's reaction was hilarious. I love him as a judge and I'm so glad it was him of all the judges that is now permanent. Karen continues her ride on the Hot Tamale Train and now Kevin joins her. I'm really digging this couple, and this dance is among my favorites so far this season.
Couple: Karthryn/Legacy
Dance: Contemporary
Choreographer: Stacy Tucci (Tookey?)
Song: 2 Steps Away
I'm sad Mia's left the show, but hopefully this leaves the door open for more routines by Stacy. I loved this routine, and it was such a smart move to make Legacy's move more like Contemp-hop than straight contemporary. I loved the ending where she's slowly pushing him down to the ground.
Couple: Pauline/Peter
Dance: Jazz
Choreographer: Wade Robsen
Song: Little Green Bag
Wade routine's are always so unique and memorable. This was the new couple and I thought they had great chemistry. They were so in sync, had great timing, and were very committed to their characters. I loved the use of the background screen here too. I especially loved when they took the stars out of the sky. Another one of my favorites.
Couple: Elenore/Ryan
Dance: Argentine Tango
Song: Violentango
Elenore was transformed for me in this dance. She does quirky so well, that last week's was perfect for her. But in this routine, she was so elegant and composed. Even with her dress snagged on her heel for the majority of it, they held it together and acted like nothing was wrong. I expected this of Ryan, being ballroom, but not of Elenore.
Bottom 4:
Noelle dancing to "For a Reason" by Zhane. Her solo was amazing! My favorite of the 4.
Victor dancing to "Navras" from the Matrix Revolutions. He's really good. I hope he can pull a good dance next week, so we can see more of his talent.
Bianca tapping to "Tootsee Roll". I would not have expected tapping to this song. She has such personality in her own style.
Philip tapping to "Almost Like Being in Love". I just do not like him as a performer. He is a great tapper, but the cheesy smile seems so fake and just puts me off.
Goodbye: Bianca and Philip. Sad to see 2 tappers go home, but I totally understand it. Noelle had the best solo of the night and that definitely saved her. I think the Channing/Victor pairing could be really good - especially if they get a contemporary/jazz routine.
My favorite routine of the night is a tie between Wade's art Jazz and Nappy Tabs' Hip Hop. Both were just so fun and entertaining. Great choreography highlighted by great dancing.
Cougar Town: Ask Barb
I'm really loving the Wednesday Comedy hour of "Modern Family" and "Cougar Town". Cougar was especially a surprise. Not only Courtney Cox great in it, while being very different from Monica, but the supporting cast steal the show with their great one-liners and reactions. The most ridiculous, and therefore most hilarious, is Barb: The Ultimate Cougar. And apparently, ABC knows this and have given her her own webisodes. Check out her show below:
cougar town,
Prince of Persia
I'm a huge Jake Gylenhaal fan and I'm so glad he's taking a stab at action movies. I know they don't really expand on one's acting cred, but they are fun and give him an opportunity to show off his newly well defined muscles. I approve! Check out the trailer below. Will you go see it?
Monday, November 2, 2009
Glee's National Anthem
I was worried we wouldn't get to hear them sing because of the rain delay, but the game was only pushed back a couple hours so Glee could still sing!
Bollywood Superman
I love Bollywood films - always so fun and musical. Almost every Bollywood movie includes musical numbers, regardless if it's drama, comedy, romance, thriller, etc. It's just a part of the culture and how their cinema works. I love it! Check out this great clip of a Bollywood superhero romance film.
If you're interested in Bollywood films, I really suggest watching Lagaan. Great movie that weaves the musical numbers into a serious tale.
[found on Cinematical]
If you're interested in Bollywood films, I really suggest watching Lagaan. Great movie that weaves the musical numbers into a serious tale.
[found on Cinematical]
Clips of the Week,
comic book movies,
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Green Zone
I really like Matt Damon as an action hero. I loved the Bourne series, and this trailer looks really good. The only problem I have with this is Paul Greengrass and is overuse of the handheld camera technique. I don't like going to movies and feeling nauseous because the camera is so shaky. The Bourne Supremacy overused this to the point where I stopped enjoying the movie about halfway through. But then in The Bourne Ultimatum it was used perfectly to show the realness of the situations, but not so much it pulled me out of the movie. Hopefully Paul Greengrass can reach that balance for this film, because definitely want to catch this when it comes out.
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