It's so weird that there's no intro video! The videos before the solos were great though. There were so many heart warming moments between the dancers and their parents. The partners are getting changed up and everyone's dancing a solo. Let's see how everyone fared!
Ryan & Noelle
NappyTabs' Hip Hop
I think this pairing helped bring Noelle out more. It was danced well and had an interesting story. I loved when Noelle's leg was up and Ryan ran his face along it.
JT & Thomas' Smooth Waltz
Jeux Deux from O (Cirque du Soleil)
Very elegant and beautiful.
Ashleigh & Legacy
Gary Stewert Contempoary
Poison by The Prodigy
This did not feel like a contemporary routine. It was really rough and fast. There were A LOT of floor rolls. I was really impressed with Legacy being able to pull that off, and his headstand at the end. But overall, I didn't really like the routine. And that isn't the fault of the dancers at all, it was all the choreography. Actually, it's probably more so just trying to pull that off as "contemporary".
Dave Scott Hip Hop
Slow Down by Bobby Valentino
Vampire routine! Haha, I loved the change to fire in the background screen and the red lighting. Ashleigh does hip hop really well, especially for a ballroom dancer. The first negative comments of the show come for this dance?! Really?! I liked this routine better than many of the other routines that the judges gushed over.
Mollee's Solo
Rock the Beat by LMAO
Russell's Solo
Outros by Black Milk
I love that a krumper is in the Top 10. It makes for much more interesting solos and brings variety to break up all the contemporary/jazz.
Kathryn & Nathan
Choereography by Danny Kaye (from Singin' in the Rain)
That was boring. Danced well, but it just lacked that extra something that would make me care about this routine. In an episode with 10 couple routines and 10 solos, this will be forgotten.
Tony & Melanie Rumba
Walk On By
Aretha Franklin
Kathryn's pulling off sexy in this routine like she never has before! Nathan just looked like a 12 year old boy trying to pull of sexy. He looked awkard when he had to grab her butt and slide his hand up her leg.
Noelle's Solo
Every Time it Rains by Charlotte Martin
She doesn't work for me in partner dances, but she dances one of the best solos among the girls.
Jakob & Ellenore
Quickstep by Tony & Melanie
4 Brothers by Manhattan Transfer
Wow, lazy story about it being a Quickstep Dance Competition and a trophy in the back. Real original. Loved the bit of tap thrown in, too bad none of the tappers made it this far in the competition. Great job, but it's still the "dance of death." Let's hope their Dance #2 is more attention grabbing.
Sonya Contemporary
Tore my Heart by Oona & Dave Tweedie
I LOVED that one. That one might just be my favorite Sonya routine since "The Garden." She got the perfect dancers for her choreography in Jakob & Ellenore. They're both quirky and fit the feel of her dance style better than any of the other contestants.
Ryan's Solo
Rock You Like a Hurrican by Scorpion
Overall an improvement over last week's solo, but I think he should have shown off his fancy footwork more.
Kathryn's Solo
Beautiful by Bethany Dillon
Russell & Mollee
Mandy Moore Jazz
It Must Have Been Love by Roxette
Mollee no longer looks like a baby when she dances! Having an older partner really helped her mature and just look older in general. The move that Nigel highlighted - the arms linking and then the backward spin, was definitely the highlight of that routine.
Anya & Pasha's Jive
Land of 1000 Dances by Jimmy Barnes
That was a very fun dance. It was a good follow up to Sonya's dance because it was so different. They're a great pairing, it's too bad it's only for this one week.
Nathan's Solo
Golden Train by Justin
I feel like he didn't do very much in his solo. He's so talented and really needed to show more of that. But his pre-dance video just made me like him even more - the tearing up when talking about family! I am mush.
Ellenore's Solo
Beatbox Harmonica by Yuri Lane
Really interesting song choice. She's so quirky and unique, I love it.
Legacy's Solo
No Air by Jordan Sparks & Chris Brown
He incorporated a lot more dancing in this solo than I've ever seen him before. I thought it was an interesting song choice for a b-boy but he totally made it work. I loved when he was motioning about how he couldn't breathe and then he fell back into a sweet head spin.
Ashleigh's Solo
Batucada Por Favor by Bob Avvar
Jakob's Solo
Always Midnight (Acoustic) by Pat Monahan
His lines and extension are just ridiculous.
Highlights: Ellenore & Jakob, especially their Sonya routine, Legacy's solo, and Ellenore's solo. I also really liked Ashleigh & Legacy's hip hop routine. I totally disagree with the judges on this one.
Predictions: I think Noelle and Ryan will be the ones going home. Maybe Nathan, but his tween fans might save him.
We're in the top 10 and we've seen them all dance their solos and how they fared with new partners. Here are my guesses for who will be in the Final Four.
Jakob, Russell, Ellenore, and Mollee. I'm pretty confident in those first 3, but the 4th is up for grabs depending on the luck of the draw in the coming weeks. I could see Ashleigh or Kathryn coming up in the ranks if they get good dances and partners.