Lady Gaga will be touring it alone, now that Fame Kills has kicked the bucket. Kanye West is taking time off, to collect himself and figure out how to save his PR reputation in this post-VMA world. While I think that's a smart move on his part, he really should have figured this all out BEFORE tickets went on sale. He just cost me $5 in processing fees that I will never get back!
This change does provide a good opportunity here: Who is Lady Gaga going to tour with now? I think a dream tour would be Lady Gaga and another dance hit queen - Britney Spears. But, seeing how Britney just started the Australian leg of her Circus tour. I think the best thing would be forget the other major starlets and have Lady Gaga tour with a bunch of (fairly) unknown up and comers.
Here are some of my favorites:
Example's Watch the Sun Come Up
Metric's Combat Baby
I saw Metric back in 2005 and they put on a great show!
These bands are similar enough to Lady Gaga's upbeat dance tunes that I think her fans might like them too. I know I do!
What do you guys think? Any dream suggestions on who she should tour with now that Kanye is out of the picture?
Also, check out her latest track "Bad Romance" - off her The Fame Monster CD coming out Nov. 24. This is just a demo, so the album version could be vastly different. We'll just have to wait for the CD to know for sure.
Either way, I Love it!
[found via EW Music Mix]