Tonight the East Coast brings the best crews they have to offer. Let's see if any of these crews are good enough to take down the west.
Legendary Seven
Boston, MA
I Can Transform You
Interesting that 2 of the members were part of Status Quo (Season 1 finalists); I didn't think that would be allowed. They had some great tricks - flip where the guy used another guy's head to push off, the syncronized flips, flip where he landed on his knees, helicopter move, etc - and even more importantly they were also really smooth and together. Great routine!
Providence, Rhode Island
Shattered Glass by Britney Spears
They had some pretty solid moves, but they probably won't be very memorable by the end of the night. Their choreography was detailed and together, but there were no flashy moves or tricks that stand out. I liked JC's suggestion about dancing to something other than the kick and snare; that could have been what made it stand out more.
Blue Print Crew
Montreal, Canada
Feel on it by Bishop Lamont
Ok, wait wait wait, what is a CANADIAN crew doing on AMERICA's Best Dance Crew? They better be good. Wow, ok they were pretty good. I loved the blending of rock, hip hop, and even fosse/musical theatre snaps. They had some great tricks - back flips into coin drop, the blast off jump where he got some serious air. They had a great, well mixed track that was not something you hear every show too.
Static Noyze
Cambridge, MA
On to the Next One with Jay-Z and Swiss Beats
Started out slow, and picked up but it still didn't have the energy that I was expecting. They felt very contemp-hop in the beginning with the slow lyrical moves. The judges are split on this crew, but I definitely have to side with Omarion on this one. I just don't think they're stronger the other crews we've seen tonight, they lacked the energy and presence.
Raleigh, NC
Ima Shine by Young Bloods
That was something I have DEFINITELY never seen before. The 540 into the jump rope was impressive! I'm a little bummed he said he would do that before the routine. The two guys doing splits and floor moves in the double dutch were just perfectly timed. It'll be very interesting to see how this group faces the weekly challenges if they make it through. I don't know how well their routines can be with a limited time to rehearse since perfect timing is required.
Saltare and Blue Print Crew are moving on! I am very surprised that Legendary Seven is not through; I thought they were a sure thing.
Sudden Death
Hip Hop is Dead by Nas
All three crews turned in strong sudden death crews. Static Noyze and Legendary Seven were great, but polar opposites of each other. Static Noyze is all choreography, no tricks or stand out moments while Legendary Seven does trick after trick with very little choreo in between. I think they'll go with Static Noyze on this one.
Glad to see Static Noyze moving forward! While I'm sorry to see Legendary Seven go, I think the right crew made it through. I don't know how much I like this format though. Legendary Seven was definitely better than some of the South crews. I don't think the South crews are going to make it very far, unless they severely step up their game.
I'm excited for next week when the West Coast (BEST COAST) takes the stage! Every winner so far has been the West, so they've got a lot to live up to.