The West Crews are in the house!
Hype 5-0
Drop it Low by Esther Dean w/ Chris Brown
Grass skirts and Hawaiian shirts, cute. Loved the opening and storyline. There's a lot of people on stage, it's a little hard to keep track of everything going on at once. Their final move was really cool. The mark of a good routine: I didn't want that to end.
Heavy Impact
Los Angeles, CA
Raindrops by Jeremiah
These are all some big dudes! I was surprised by that back flip series! I did not need to see those tummy roles. They were pretty good, and definitely a surprise given their size. They had smooth moves and were in sync. Shout out to Nappy Tabs! One of the guys was wearing their shirt.
Blended Projekt
West Covina, CA
Get Involved by Genuwine
They're babies! Again, this is a very large crew with 8 members. They were really together and had great lines, but we have seen this before. I just don't see another clogging crew making it through after Dynamic Edition's appearance. Plus, we already have one out-of-the-norm crew with Saltare. I don't think there's enough room for two.
Break EFX
Denver, CO
All Eyes on Me by Clipse
Why are all these crews so large?! Evidence of over-population. I liked the hat trick move where they scooted on their hands and head to the center. They were a lot of fun, but I was expecting more from the ONLY B-Boy crew in the West. Their odds are good to making it through though.
Westminster, CA
Love Story by Taylor Swift
Wow, they are my favorite, no doubt! They were so precise, they had humor, they had story, they had it all. I loved the Kanye interruption ending. I really want to see these guys in the coming weeks.
The crews were all really strong, which is to be expected of the West Coast Crews.
Wow, I am very surprised Heavy Impact got the other spot to the finals. I thought for sure it would go to Hype 5-0 or Break EFX.
Sudden Death
Showdown by Black Eyed Peas
Break EFX and Hype 5-0 had great last ditch efforts. Yeah! Glad to see the Islander crew make it through, gotta represent! We're a minority, so we have to stick together. I am very surprised no b-boy crew made it through from the west, but that style has had its time to shine. Now it's time for new and hybridized styles to be front and center.
It's really early to predict, but here are my picks for the Final 3 Crews:
Blue Print Crew
Poreotix (if people are feeling their humor and style. If not, they don't stand a chance)
Hype 5-0
I don't think Saltare is going to last long, just because the gimmick crews never seem to crack the top 5 (except for Break Sk8te).