Most of my fellow class of '09ers are still job searching. This one's for you guys. And anyone else who is suffering from the highest unemployment rate in 26 years. Here's some scary numbers, but also show just how everyone is really in the same boat:
As of June, just 19.7% of 2009 college graduates have a job.
This figure is still standing strong at the end of August - only 1/5 of all grads have even had a job offer.
Overall jobless rate is 9.4% - this is even higher in LA, which is at the shockingly high 20%.
Well, unemployment doesn't have to be all bad! There's lots you can do to turn your unemployment into FUNemployment. Here are some great websites with ideas of stuff to do in LA while you're unemployed:
LA DeCOSTified: A website with a bunch of free events, give aways, and suggestions of stuff to do around the city that doesn't cost you an arm and a leg.
Free Fun Guides: Guides for multiple cities with free events and give aways.
LA Fun-employment: Same story here - one page of many cities, featuring free events, bargains, and give aways.
And my friend Brian has created a blog all about his funemployment learnings: Leisure King.
Hopefully this helps pass the time between the job hunting emails, phone calls, and research. Good luck job hunting! But when you need some good, cheap fun check out the sites and let me know what you think!