Then later this year, we have Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant:
Also based on a book, but the book is part of a whole series that follows this circus. Figures they'd focus on the vampire aspect given the times. I think it looks interesting, and it's a nice change that the vampire isn't a hot young thing for once.
I see why studios want to capitalize on the trend, but soon this will burn out and there will be a bunch of projects in various stages of development or distribution that will no longer have an audience.
Now, there may be a lot of content out there on vampires, but I know I'm going to be watching some of it. I grew up on Buffy and Angel, it's pretty much ingrained in me. But I think I'll be reserving my vampire love to True Blood, loving the trash of Twilight, and rewatching the classics (Buffy and Angel) on DVD.
What will you guys be watching?
What vampire content are you in to? What projects are you looking forward to?