Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Lost and its similarity to Titanic
Even though Lost ended a week ago, I still find myself thinking about it and talking about it with Friends. Regardless of how you feel about the big reveal, that's the mark of a quality show - it gets people talking. Well, recently I was listening to the radio and the 1990s classic "My Heart Will Go On" from Titanic played and I realized just where else I had seen the idea of a shared afterlife.
As the biggest grossing moving of all time, besides that other James Cameron movie, most everyone is familar with the ending. Rose, after spending the last 3 hours reliving her time on the Titanic and with Jack, she passes away. In the afterlife, she's once again reunited with all those lost souls from the ship, even though she spent at least 50 years of her life married to another man and raising a family. Even though she spent decades with her family and husband, the most important time of her life were those days on the Titanic.
The most important time of the Lostie's lives were on that island. It's especially true for those who died there, but even those that got off that rock and led full lives after. For example, Claire got off the island and presumably was able to raise Aaron herself and become a fully integrated member of society again.
Do you agree? What are your thoughts on the shared afterlife that Lost put forward in its finale?

The most important time of the Lostie's lives were on that island. It's especially true for those who died there, but even those that got off that rock and led full lives after. For example, Claire got off the island and presumably was able to raise Aaron herself and become a fully integrated member of society again.
Do you agree? What are your thoughts on the shared afterlife that Lost put forward in its finale?
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
2010 Summer TV Premieres and Schedule
Summer TV is a slow time for the medium, filled with reality and reruns. However, in the past few years more networks have been getting into summer scripted shows and the cable shows are becoming top quality themselves.
Check below for the cable summer premiere schedule from The Hollywood Reporter.
For the broadcast schedule, check it out over here HERE.
June 3
Burn Notice (USA), 9 p.m.
Royal Pains (USA), 10 p.m.
June 6
The Hard Times of RJ Berger (MTV), 10 p.m.
Drop Dead Diva (Lifetime), 9 p.m.
Check below for the cable summer premiere schedule from The Hollywood Reporter.
For the broadcast schedule, check it out over here HERE.

Burn Notice (USA), 9 p.m.
Royal Pains (USA), 10 p.m.
June 6
The Hard Times of RJ Berger (MTV), 10 p.m.
Drop Dead Diva (Lifetime), 9 p.m.
June 8
Pretty Little Liars (ABC Family), 8 p.m.
June 13
True Blood (HBO), 9 p.m.
June 15
Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List (Bravo), 9 p.m.
June 16
Top Chef (Bravo), 9 p.m.
June 20
Leverage (TNT), 9 p.m.
June 22
Hawthorne (TNT), 9 p.m.
Memphis Beat (TNT), 10 p.m.
June 24
Futurama (Comedy Central), 10 p.m.
June 27
Hung (HBO), 10 p.m.
Entourage (HBO), 10:30 p.m.
June 29
Rescue Me (FX), 10 p.m.
Louie (FX), 11 p.m.
July 9
Eureka (Syfy), 9 p.m.
July 11
Children's Hospital (Adult Swim), 10:30 p.m.
July 12
The Closer (TNT), 9 p.m.
July 13
White Collar (USA), 9 p.m.
Covert Affairs (USA), 10 p.m.
July 14
Psych (USA), 10 p.m.
July 24
Being Human (BBC America)
July 25
Mad Men (AMC), 10 p.m.
My Boys (TBS),
Aug. 1
Rubicon (AMC)
Aug. 16
Weeds (Showtime), 10 p.m.
The Big C (Showtime), 10:30 p.m.
Aug. 17
Melissa & Joey (ABC Family), 8 p.m.
Aug. 20
Kids in the Hall: Death Comes to Town (IFC)
What summer shows will you be watching? I'm definitely watching Mad Men and Psych, but will also be checking out The Gates and Pretty Little Liars. The show I've been eagerly anticipating is an old one that I've missed so much - Futurama! My favorite of the cartoons-for-adults genre (The Simpsons, Family Guy, Venture Bros., etc) is back after being prematurely canceled and then briefly resurrected for TV movies. Now it's back to form with a series order from Comedy Central and hopefully can live up to the standard it set the first time around.
What summer shows will you be watching? Or do you chose to spend your summers catching up on good TV you missed the first time around (Six Feet Under, The Wire, Sopranos, etc)?
Pretty Little Liars (ABC Family), 8 p.m.
June 13
True Blood (HBO), 9 p.m.
June 15
Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List (Bravo), 9 p.m.
June 16
Top Chef (Bravo), 9 p.m.
June 20
Leverage (TNT), 9 p.m.
June 22
Hawthorne (TNT), 9 p.m.
Memphis Beat (TNT), 10 p.m.
June 24
Futurama (Comedy Central), 10 p.m.
June 27
Hung (HBO), 10 p.m.
Entourage (HBO), 10:30 p.m.
June 29
Rescue Me (FX), 10 p.m.
Louie (FX), 11 p.m.
July 9
Eureka (Syfy), 9 p.m.
July 11
Children's Hospital (Adult Swim), 10:30 p.m.
July 12
The Closer (TNT), 9 p.m.
July 13
White Collar (USA), 9 p.m.
Covert Affairs (USA), 10 p.m.
July 14
Psych (USA), 10 p.m.
July 24
Being Human (BBC America)
July 25
Mad Men (AMC), 10 p.m.
My Boys (TBS),
Aug. 1
Rubicon (AMC)
Aug. 16
Weeds (Showtime), 10 p.m.
The Big C (Showtime), 10:30 p.m.
Aug. 17
Melissa & Joey (ABC Family), 8 p.m.
Aug. 20
Kids in the Hall: Death Comes to Town (IFC)
What summer shows will you be watching? I'm definitely watching Mad Men and Psych, but will also be checking out The Gates and Pretty Little Liars. The show I've been eagerly anticipating is an old one that I've missed so much - Futurama! My favorite of the cartoons-for-adults genre (The Simpsons, Family Guy, Venture Bros., etc) is back after being prematurely canceled and then briefly resurrected for TV movies. Now it's back to form with a series order from Comedy Central and hopefully can live up to the standard it set the first time around.
What summer shows will you be watching? Or do you chose to spend your summers catching up on good TV you missed the first time around (Six Feet Under, The Wire, Sopranos, etc)?
mad men,
Chuck: Jeffster's "Blaze of Glory"
During the excellent season finale of Chuck on Monday, we saw snippets of Jeffster's music video of Bon Jovi's song "Blaze of Glory." The tune played throughout the Intersect vs. Intersect battle, but we only saw glimpses of the video that took Jeff and Lester two weekends to make. Now, the whole video is online for us to enjoy!
Linkulous: MacGruber, Shit My Dad Says, Lost Posters, World Cup and more!
Happy Friday! Below are some great articles I read over the week covering topics from Nike's World Cup ad to Lost to the stories behind viral videos and a whole bunch more. Enjoy the reads and have a great holiday weekend!
How 'MacGruber' Fell Victim to the SNL Curse - I thought it was really funny and should be seen, but this explains just why SNL movies are such bombs nowadays.
First Look: “Shit My Dad Says” pilot - Starring Shatner and based on a twitter profile, it sounds like the perfect geek hybrid of the old and new. I just hope it's actually funny.
Lost Series Finale a Twitter Earthquake - The most talked about show on twitter, by far.
The Secret to Getting The Job You Want
Nike’s “Write the Future” Ad Sets Viral Record [VIDEO]
Lost Posters: Season 6 in Black and White
Author Nicholas Carr: The Web Shatters Focus, Rewires Brains - doesn't necessarily make you smarter, but it does change they way your brain works. Fascinating!
Watch This: Iron Baby
Boob-Slapping Wedding DJ Didn't Get Paid for Show, Might Sue Video Maker
Mom Convicted After Locking Son Out of Facebook
Did you read any great/crazy stories this week? Feel free to share them in the comments. I'm always looking for interesting reads.
How 'MacGruber' Fell Victim to the SNL Curse - I thought it was really funny and should be seen, but this explains just why SNL movies are such bombs nowadays.
First Look: “Shit My Dad Says” pilot - Starring Shatner and based on a twitter profile, it sounds like the perfect geek hybrid of the old and new. I just hope it's actually funny.
Lost Series Finale a Twitter Earthquake - The most talked about show on twitter, by far.
The Secret to Getting The Job You Want
Nike’s “Write the Future” Ad Sets Viral Record [VIDEO]
Lost Posters: Season 6 in Black and White
Author Nicholas Carr: The Web Shatters Focus, Rewires Brains - doesn't necessarily make you smarter, but it does change they way your brain works. Fascinating!
Watch This: Iron Baby
Boob-Slapping Wedding DJ Didn't Get Paid for Show, Might Sue Video Maker
Mom Convicted After Locking Son Out of Facebook
Did you read any great/crazy stories this week? Feel free to share them in the comments. I'm always looking for interesting reads.
comic book movies,
mash up,
social media,
viral marketing
Thursday, May 27, 2010
So You Think You Can Dance: Interview with Nigel and Shankman
I love Adam Shankman. I'm so glad he'll be returning as a permanent judge tonight. Will you be watching the season premiere tonight? Turns out I'm only going to be able to watch half, since I'm seeing Flashforward through to the end and catching the season finale. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem but with the move I'm DVR-less for a couple days and have to actually commit to one program. As it's only the auditions, I'm not too fussed about it. There's no way I'll be missing any of the Top 10 performancers and the All-Stars!
For more on Cat Deeley and the show, check out this interview she did with the LA Times ShowTracker Blog.
Tune in tonight at 8 pm EST/PST on FOX for the first round of auditions, in New York City and Miami!
Short Film: Running on Empty
Running on Empty from Ross Ching on Vimeo.
A beautiful look at Los Angeles without people, cars, noise, anything. Peaceful.
[via FlavorWire]
LA spots,
short film
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
How to Make a Michael Cera Movie
I like Michael Cera, but his roles are getting to be repetitive. Hopefully Scott Pilgrim vs. The World will tweak the standard enough for it to be fresh again!
Just for fun,
Michael Cera,
Hump Day Funny
Happy Wednesday! Enjoy this video of a reporter failing to break in to a car:
My favorite is when the driver side window finally gives, but not in the way they needed!
My favorite is when the driver side window finally gives, but not in the way they needed!
Just for fun
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
My Blog Posts Elsewhere
In addition to this blog, I've had a couple other blog posts go up around the net. Check them out!
Exclusive Interview with RealityWanted Member and VH1's Tough Love Star Courtney McElwee
I chatted with Courtney about her time on Tough Love: Couples and how she used to get on the show.
Happy Birthday, LinkedIn!
My thoughts on how to use LinkedIn and your online image to help you stand out from the other job applicants. Even if you're not in PR, it helps to think like a PR person when you're selling yourself to potential employers.
Welcome to the Real World
What I've learned during my first job that college couldn't/didn't teach me.
I'm trying to write more for Reality Wanted and other entertainment focused blogs, so keep an eye out! And if you hear of any opportunities, please keep me in mind.
Exclusive Interview with RealityWanted Member and VH1's Tough Love Star Courtney McElwee
I chatted with Courtney about her time on Tough Love: Couples and how she used to get on the show.
Happy Birthday, LinkedIn!
My thoughts on how to use LinkedIn and your online image to help you stand out from the other job applicants. Even if you're not in PR, it helps to think like a PR person when you're selling yourself to potential employers.
Welcome to the Real World
What I've learned during my first job that college couldn't/didn't teach me.
I'm trying to write more for Reality Wanted and other entertainment focused blogs, so keep an eye out! And if you hear of any opportunities, please keep me in mind.
my work,
social media
So You Think You Can Dance: Season 7!
Season 7 of my favorite reality show is about to kick off! Check out this great fanmade montage to highlight the All-Stars:
[via SYTYCDism]
If you're wondering about the All-Stars, well this season has a lot of changes in store. Instead of the usual top 20 contestants who partner up and tackle the show together, Nigel and co. decided to bring back 12 of the top contestants from seasons past to partner with the Top 10 this year. Keep reading to find out all the changes this season:
[via SYTYCDism]
If you're wondering about the All-Stars, well this season has a lot of changes in store. Instead of the usual top 20 contestants who partner up and tackle the show together, Nigel and co. decided to bring back 12 of the top contestants from seasons past to partner with the Top 10 this year. Keep reading to find out all the changes this season:
- Mary Murphy will no longer be a permanent judge. She's going to be doing choreography and will guest judge a few weeks.
- Mia Michaels is back! She'll be the new permanent judge but will also choreograph a few routines. My guess is the weeks she choreographs will be the weeks Mary guest judges so she's not judging her own material.
- Instead of Top 20, there's only a Top 10. This makes it harder than ever to get on the show, so it will definitely be the cream of the crop. I only hope some street/hip hop dancers can make it through.
- Each week the Top 10 will pick their dance style/all star, therefore there will be no more consistent pairings. This could be good for those that might have been stuck with a bad pairing, but I think it will definitely hurt the chemistry, especially during the more emotional routines.
- This year they went to the top potential contestants home to to tell them whether they made it to the Top 10 or not. Talk about an emotional punch!
Monday, May 24, 2010
2010 Fall TV Schedule
Now that the Upfronts are complete, The Wrap posted a great graphic breaking down the fall TV schedule:
For some reason, it doesn't include The CW's schedule. I guess they aren't even acknowledging its existence anymore. You can check out The CW's schedule HERE.
Keep reading to see how my weekly tv schedule might look. Inevitably, some shows will fall to the wayside, but this is my starting off point. Let me just say, thank goodness for DVR and hulu. The new shows I'll be giving a shot are underlined.
8:00pm: How I Met Your Mother, Chuck
8:00pm: Glee, No Ordinary Family
9:30pm: Running Wilde
8:00pm: America's Next Top Model, Undercovers
9:00pm: Modern Family
9:30pm: Cougar Town
8:00pm: The Vampire Diaries, The Big Bang Theory, My Generation
8:30pm: S#!t My Dad Says
9:00pm: The Office, Nikita
9:00pm: Caprica, The Good Guys
9:00pm: Family Guy
What new shows will you be checking out? Is your Thursday night just as packed as mine? A lot of new shows that I'm interested in aren't coming out until midseason (Friends with Benefits, Perfect Couples, etc), so I'll definitely have to find a way to adjust once it hits January.
For some reason, it doesn't include The CW's schedule. I guess they aren't even acknowledging its existence anymore. You can check out The CW's schedule HERE.
Keep reading to see how my weekly tv schedule might look. Inevitably, some shows will fall to the wayside, but this is my starting off point. Let me just say, thank goodness for DVR and hulu. The new shows I'll be giving a shot are underlined.
8:00pm: How I Met Your Mother, Chuck
8:00pm: Glee, No Ordinary Family
9:30pm: Running Wilde
8:00pm: America's Next Top Model, Undercovers
9:00pm: Modern Family
9:30pm: Cougar Town
8:00pm: The Vampire Diaries, The Big Bang Theory, My Generation
8:30pm: S#!t My Dad Says
9:00pm: The Office, Nikita
9:00pm: Caprica, The Good Guys
9:00pm: Family Guy
What new shows will you be checking out? Is your Thursday night just as packed as mine? A lot of new shows that I'm interested in aren't coming out until midseason (Friends with Benefits, Perfect Couples, etc), so I'll definitely have to find a way to adjust once it hits January.
Chuck: 2 Hour Season Finale Tonight!
Check out the exciting preview for tonight's season finale!
It's so nice to know that this isn't the end of the show! It's coming back next season for 13 episodes, and there's still a possibility for more.
In more season finale news, watch this behind the scenes clip:
Be sure you tune in tonight to NBC at 8pm EST/PST.
It's so nice to know that this isn't the end of the show! It's coming back next season for 13 episodes, and there's still a possibility for more.
In more season finale news, watch this behind the scenes clip:
Be sure you tune in tonight to NBC at 8pm EST/PST.
The Morning After Lost
Last night was the emotional finale of Lost. While I was completely satisfied with the ending, I know we'll never get answers to many of the questions posed throughout its six years. I'm fine with it and feel that the unanswered questions allow the show to live on past its air date by having people continue to mull it over, think and theorize on what exactly all these things mean. I'll leave the recapping and theorizing to those more invested and studied in the show's mythology than I.
Round-up of great Lost Finale Reads:
TIME: Tuned In Blog
The Daily Beast
The Watcher
Some hilarious YouTube reactions
Also, one of my favorite things during the finale (besides the show obviously) were the Target commercials. Check them out below:
And of course, there are already some spoof spots up:
Round-up of great Lost Finale Reads:
TIME: Tuned In Blog
The Daily Beast
The Watcher
Some hilarious YouTube reactions
Also, one of my favorite things during the finale (besides the show obviously) were the Target commercials. Check them out below:
And of course, there are already some spoof spots up:
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Upfronts: The CW New Shows
The only shows I watch on The CW are America's Next Top Model and The Vampire Diaries. And after their upfront presentation, it doesn't look like that is going to change. They only added two news shows to the mix. Of the two, I'm on the fence about checking out the new Nikita. With stars Maggie Q and Melinda Clarke, it definitely has a great cast and an interesting story. I'm just not sure about the execution and will wait to hear the reviews before I tune in. Keep reading to see trailers for The CW's new shows.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Going the Distance
A Rom-Com that actually looks good?! This, I have to see. Starring real life couple Drew Barrymore and Justin Long makes this even more adorable. As someone who has done a long distance relationship (6 month stint in Hong Kong), I'm glad to see it getting some on screen love.
Upfronts: CBS New Shows
Sorry for the delay in getting these up on the blog! Again, crazy work week and moving. Some advance notice, with the whole move thing, there might be less posts until June 1-ish. But please keep checking back! There will be updates, just not as many.
Anyway, on to CBS!
CBS is the number one network in overall viewers and would do just fine next season if it kept everything the same. However, they decided to strive for excellence and slash the lowest rated shows and juggle their schedule to give the new shows a strong lead in. I couldn't find trailers for their new shows, but they did have some footage to share. Watch a behind-the-scenes feature for the only new CBS show I plan on watching.
S#!t My Dad Says: Based on the twitter handle and starring William Shatner. On paper, it sounds right up my alley!
For info and video on more CBS shows, check out The Live Feed.
Anyway, on to CBS!
CBS is the number one network in overall viewers and would do just fine next season if it kept everything the same. However, they decided to strive for excellence and slash the lowest rated shows and juggle their schedule to give the new shows a strong lead in. I couldn't find trailers for their new shows, but they did have some footage to share. Watch a behind-the-scenes feature for the only new CBS show I plan on watching.
S#!t My Dad Says: Based on the twitter handle and starring William Shatner. On paper, it sounds right up my alley!
For info and video on more CBS shows, check out The Live Feed.
SNL: Top 5 sketches from the past season
SNL wrapped it's season last week with another mediocre episode, hosted by Alec Baldwin with Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. While the season definitely had a lot of lows, there were some great sketches hidden in the rough. Below are my top 5 moments from the 2009-2010 season.
5. Betty White's Muffin
4. Love Connection
3. Killer Klownz
2. Hamm and Buble
1. Hot for Teacher
Honorable Mention:
Andy Samberg and Reba
Did I leave off your favorite sketch? Let me know in the comments!
5. Betty White's Muffin
4. Love Connection
3. Killer Klownz
2. Hamm and Buble
1. Hot for Teacher
Honorable Mention:
Andy Samberg and Reba
Did I leave off your favorite sketch? Let me know in the comments!
top # list
Advance Review: MacGruber
Not familiar with MacGruber? For a quick crash course, check out the SNL sketch:
If you enjoyed that sketch, it's pretty much guaranteed you will enjoy the movie. It's fairly short, clocking in at just an hour fifteen minutes, but when you consider it's based on 30-second-long sketches it's pretty impressive they were able to make a full plot line out of it.
With hilarious, inappropriate moments, MacGruber was a whole lot of fun to watch. Some critics are saying it's the best SNL movie since Wayne's World. I don't know about that, but I will say it's the best comedy since The Hangover last year. If you like raunchy humor including everything from fart/anus jokes, hilariously wrong sex scenes, and defacing corpses, you'll laugh throughout.
While I expected Will Forte and Kirsten Wiig to be fully committed to these outlandish characters, I was happily surprised with Ryan Phillippes turn in comedy. While he plays the straight man to Will Forte's MacGruber, he does have a few moments to shine and elicit laughs. One of my favorite moments is when MacGruber uses him as a human shield (it's in the trailer so I'm not spoiling anything). The entire time Ryan is convulsing and just selling that he's getting shot everywhere on that bullet proof jacket. Another highlight for me was the ridiculousness of the celery stick trick.
The comedy is raunchy and the violence is surprisingly graphic, but if you've got that R rating why not just go balls to wall with it, right?
My recommendation: If you enjoyed the trailer or the SNL sketch, you'll love the film. It's not selling itself or trying to be anything other than what it flat out tells you, and you gotta love it for that.
I posted the trailer within my Most Anticipated Summer Movies post, but here it is again for your convenience:
If you enjoyed that sketch, it's pretty much guaranteed you will enjoy the movie. It's fairly short, clocking in at just an hour fifteen minutes, but when you consider it's based on 30-second-long sketches it's pretty impressive they were able to make a full plot line out of it.
With hilarious, inappropriate moments, MacGruber was a whole lot of fun to watch. Some critics are saying it's the best SNL movie since Wayne's World. I don't know about that, but I will say it's the best comedy since The Hangover last year. If you like raunchy humor including everything from fart/anus jokes, hilariously wrong sex scenes, and defacing corpses, you'll laugh throughout.
While I expected Will Forte and Kirsten Wiig to be fully committed to these outlandish characters, I was happily surprised with Ryan Phillippes turn in comedy. While he plays the straight man to Will Forte's MacGruber, he does have a few moments to shine and elicit laughs. One of my favorite moments is when MacGruber uses him as a human shield (it's in the trailer so I'm not spoiling anything). The entire time Ryan is convulsing and just selling that he's getting shot everywhere on that bullet proof jacket. Another highlight for me was the ridiculousness of the celery stick trick.
The comedy is raunchy and the violence is surprisingly graphic, but if you've got that R rating why not just go balls to wall with it, right?
My recommendation: If you enjoyed the trailer or the SNL sketch, you'll love the film. It's not selling itself or trying to be anything other than what it flat out tells you, and you gotta love it for that.
I posted the trailer within my Most Anticipated Summer Movies post, but here it is again for your convenience:
advance review,
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Upfronts: FOX New Shows
Fox just had it's most successful season yet. For the first time they were the top network during the fall season, thanks to Glee and So You Think You Can Dance. They solidly won spring, as usual thanks to a small show you may have heard of, American Idol. With a solid schedule already in place, they just have to fill holes with the departure of shows like Dollhouse and the fall season of So You Think You Can Dance.
Check out their new shows below. Any shows you planning on checking out? I'll give Running Wilde a shot, but I'm not too sure about anything else.
Raising Hope
Running Wilde: Mitch Hurwitz and Will Arnett (Arrested Development) are back together and bringing Keri Russell (Felicity, Waitress) along for the ride!
Mixed Signals
Check out their new shows below. Any shows you planning on checking out? I'll give Running Wilde a shot, but I'm not too sure about anything else.
Raising Hope
Running Wilde: Mitch Hurwitz and Will Arnett (Arrested Development) are back together and bringing Keri Russell (Felicity, Waitress) along for the ride!
Mixed Signals
Upfronts: ABC New Shows
ABC is losing it's biggest buzz builder "LOST" this season, do you think any of their new shows could be its successor? Check out the show that gets my vote for most likely to succeed.
No Ordinary Family: Written by Greg Berlanti (Everwood) and starring Michael Chiklis (The Shield) about a family who suddenly develop superpowers. I'm there!
To check out full trailers for all of ABC's new shows, check out the full breakdown at The Live Feed at The Hollywood Reporter.
No Ordinary Family: Written by Greg Berlanti (Everwood) and starring Michael Chiklis (The Shield) about a family who suddenly develop superpowers. I'm there!
To check out full trailers for all of ABC's new shows, check out the full breakdown at The Live Feed at The Hollywood Reporter.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Glee: Dream On
Last night was one of the best Glee episodes yet! Directed by Joss Whedon and guest starring Neil Patrick Harris, they were able to bring an emotional core to a show that often resorts to song and dance to distract from plot shortcomings.
Both NPH's and Artie's stories pulled at the heart strings and resonated with me. Artie's storyline in particular just broke my heart.
Check out my favorite musical number below:
Since I'm pretty swamped with real life stuff, here are my brief thoughts on the episode:
Both NPH's and Artie's stories pulled at the heart strings and resonated with me. Artie's storyline in particular just broke my heart.
Check out my favorite musical number below:
Since I'm pretty swamped with real life stuff, here are my brief thoughts on the episode:
- NPH and Indina Menzel should come back more! Great voices, great roles.
- More flashbacks to 80s Shuester please. I loved the hair, sweater, and braces.
- The ending song with Artie, where Henry and Tina tap dance almost made me cry. So sad!
- I'm so glad Jessie wasn't playing Rachel to sabotage New Directions. This whole time I thought it was some plot to break up Glee, but turned out to be for a much more noble reason.
- While he was still playing her, I still like them together and he seems to genuinely be into her now.
- Now all the protest groups who were upset that the actor playing Artie wasn't actually handicapped know WHY this role had to be cast this way. I can't imagine this storyline and the subsequent dance routine wasn't planned from the beginning.
- I loved the viral video/flash mob feel of the Safety Dance. Made even more perfect when you think about all the Glee flashmobs that have happened world wide.
Jabbawockeez: Mus.IC Vegas Show

I didn't know what to expect going in to it this show: what would the story be? How would they keep it fresh for a 2 hour long performance? Well, they put on a fantastic show that mixed dancing, laughs, and crowd interaction! If you catch the show during this next week before it closes, I HIGHLY recommend! It's worth every penny and the best bang for your buck without a doubt. If you plan on making it to the show, stop reading here. Keep reading for a full breakdown of the show and my thoughts.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Good Deal: Free Ice Cream
Stop in at your local Häagen-Dazs today between 4 to 8pm for a free scoop of ice cream! The offer is only good for chocolate, vanilla, and coffee flavors, but hey -- free is free!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Upfronts: NBC's 12 New Shows
TV Upfronts are this week. So many shows to talk about and so little time! NBC is still suffering from their Jay Leno show fiasco and it shows with them picking up TWELVE new series this year. Watch the trailers for their new shows and let me know which ones you'll be checking out!
I'll definitely be checking out The Cape, Friends with Benefits, Perfect Couples and Undercovers. I might check out Love Bites, but I'm not too keen on the idea of an anthology. I like shows that have continuity and give me a reason to watch from one week to the next, and anthologies just don't fit the bill.
The Event
Undercovers: JJ Abrams latest. I'll definitely be checking this one out
Harry's Law
The Cape: Summer Glau and superheroes, need I say more?
Love Bites
Perfect Couples: Surprisingly funny, especially considering I haven't heard much about it up to now. It's got a great cast with Janice from FlashForward, The Waitress from It's Always Sunny, and is that Olivia Munn?
Friends with Benefits: More Fran Kranz!
The Paul Rieser Show: I liked Mad About You, but am pretty "meh" about this one.
School Pride
I'll definitely be checking out The Cape, Friends with Benefits, Perfect Couples and Undercovers. I might check out Love Bites, but I'm not too keen on the idea of an anthology. I like shows that have continuity and give me a reason to watch from one week to the next, and anthologies just don't fit the bill.
The Event
Undercovers: JJ Abrams latest. I'll definitely be checking this one out
Harry's Law
The Cape: Summer Glau and superheroes, need I say more?
Love Bites
Perfect Couples: Surprisingly funny, especially considering I haven't heard much about it up to now. It's got a great cast with Janice from FlashForward, The Waitress from It's Always Sunny, and is that Olivia Munn?
Friends with Benefits: More Fran Kranz!
The Paul Rieser Show: I liked Mad About You, but am pretty "meh" about this one.
School Pride
Chuck: Orion Returns!
Scott Bakula returns as Chuck's dad in the last episode before the 2-hour season finale.
Catch the new episode tonight on NBC at 8pm EST/PST!
Catch the new episode tonight on NBC at 8pm EST/PST!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Real Life Shark vs. Octopus Battle
As a huge fan of SyFy Original Movies (ah that b-movie goodness just can't be found in theaters anymore), this video proved it all worth it. Watch a real shark and octopus battle it out. Who will be the victor?!
[via @scifiwire]
[via @scifiwire]
Just for fun,
sci fi
Linkulous: Justin Bieber, Cold Stone's, and Dieting with the Web
Didn't get much reading done this week, between securing my new apartment, furniture shopping, and gearing up for Vegas. Plus, work picked up toward the end of the week. So, enjoy these few articles I enjoyed this week:
How the Web is changing the way we eat
How the Internet Made Justin Bieber a Star
Cold Stone's Every Topping Under the Sun-dae Challenge
Since I didn't get as much reading done this week, are there any articles that you read this week that are worth a mention? Post a link in the comments section!
I'll be in Vegas this weekend, so the blog will be pretty slow until Monday. Please feel free to take this time to go through the Archives, just over THERE ------>>>>
How the Web is changing the way we eat
How the Internet Made Justin Bieber a Star
Cold Stone's Every Topping Under the Sun-dae Challenge
Since I didn't get as much reading done this week, are there any articles that you read this week that are worth a mention? Post a link in the comments section!
I'll be in Vegas this weekend, so the blog will be pretty slow until Monday. Please feel free to take this time to go through the Archives, just over THERE ------>>>>
Chuck will Return!
A lot of TV news has been happening lately (follow me on twitter @kristal_bailey for updates as I see them), but there's one that I had to highlight here.
NBC has picked it up for 13 more episodes, but not yet decided if it'll be in fall or a midseason. I'm so glad to see the show coming back! I knew NBC needed all the shows they could get after the Jay Leno fiasco, but they also had a lot of pilot options. I'll be posting more on the picked-up pilots later (when things aren't so hectic with moving and work).
I'm sure Josh Schwartz has a lot of ideas for season four, and I'm so excited to see the show continue further now that Chuck and Sarah are together and Casey and Morgan are growing as characters. However, should the fourth season be its last, I hope NBC can give them enough warning so they can finish it off right. Obviously, the goal is it for it to grow and succeed, but after three seasons and a post-Superbowl airing, it's still not a breakout smash. I've got to keep my expectations within reason, you know.
So what do you guys think of the news? What do you hope to see in Season 4? I only ask we get at least one more Jeffster rock performance!
NBC has picked it up for 13 more episodes, but not yet decided if it'll be in fall or a midseason. I'm so glad to see the show coming back! I knew NBC needed all the shows they could get after the Jay Leno fiasco, but they also had a lot of pilot options. I'll be posting more on the picked-up pilots later (when things aren't so hectic with moving and work).
I'm sure Josh Schwartz has a lot of ideas for season four, and I'm so excited to see the show continue further now that Chuck and Sarah are together and Casey and Morgan are growing as characters. However, should the fourth season be its last, I hope NBC can give them enough warning so they can finish it off right. Obviously, the goal is it for it to grow and succeed, but after three seasons and a post-Superbowl airing, it's still not a breakout smash. I've got to keep my expectations within reason, you know.
So what do you guys think of the news? What do you hope to see in Season 4? I only ask we get at least one more Jeffster rock performance!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Jimmy Fallon: Robert is Bothered
RPattz hates the iPad! Check out my favorite recurring Jimmy Fallon sketch: Robert is Bothered.
jimmy fallon
Twilight Eclipse Soundtrack: Full Listings
After a day of waiting around for myspace to post the entire track listings, here they are!
1. Metric – “Eclipse (All Yours)”
2. Muse – “Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever)”
3. The Bravery – “Ours”
4. Florence + The Machine – “Heavy In Your Arms”
5. Sia – “My Love”
6. Fanfarlo – “Atlas”
7. The Black Keys – “Chop And Change”
8. The Dead Weather – “Rolling In On A Burning Tire”
9. Beck and Bat For Lashes – “Let’s Get Lost”
10. Vampire Weekend – “Jonathan Low”
11. UNKLE – “With You In My Head (featuring The Black Angels)”
12. Eastern Conference Champions – “A Million Miles An Hour”
13. Band Of Horses – “Life On Earth”
14. Cee-Lo Green – “What Part Of Forever”
15. Howard Shore – “Jacob’s Theme”
I'm excited for the Metric and Vampire Weekend tracks!
1. Metric – “Eclipse (All Yours)”
2. Muse – “Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever)”
3. The Bravery – “Ours”
4. Florence + The Machine – “Heavy In Your Arms”
5. Sia – “My Love”
6. Fanfarlo – “Atlas”
7. The Black Keys – “Chop And Change”
8. The Dead Weather – “Rolling In On A Burning Tire”
9. Beck and Bat For Lashes – “Let’s Get Lost”
10. Vampire Weekend – “Jonathan Low”
11. UNKLE – “With You In My Head (featuring The Black Angels)”
12. Eastern Conference Champions – “A Million Miles An Hour”
13. Band Of Horses – “Life On Earth”
14. Cee-Lo Green – “What Part Of Forever”
15. Howard Shore – “Jacob’s Theme”
I'm excited for the Metric and Vampire Weekend tracks!
cee-lo green,
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
MTV Movie Award Nominees
MTV just announced the nominees for their popularity contest! With the nominees and winners voted on entirely by the fans, it's no surprise that Twilight and other box office blockbusters dominate the categories. The list of nominees is below and my guesses for who I think will win and who I want to win are highlighted as such.
“Alice In Wonderland”
“Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”
“The Hangover”
“The Twilight Saga: New Moon”
Amanda Seyfried – “Dear John”
Emma Watson – “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”
Kristen Stewart – “The Twilight Saga: New Moon”
Sandra Bullock – “The Blind Side”
Zoe Saldana – “Avatar”
Channing Tatum – “Dear John”
Daniel Radcliffe – “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”
Robert Pattinson – “The Twilight Saga: New Moon”
Taylor Lautner – “The Twilight Saga: New Moon”
Zac Efron – “17 Again”
Anna Kendrick – “Up in the Air”
Chris Pine – “Star Trek”
Gabourey Sidibe – “Precious: Based on the Novel Push by
Logan Lerman – “Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The
Lightning Thief”
Quinton Aaron – “The Blind Side”
Zach Galifianakis – “The Hangover”
Ben Stiller – “Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian”
Bradley Cooper – “The Hangover”
Ryan Reynolds – “The Proposal”
Sandra Bullock – “The Proposal”
Zach Galifianakis – “The Hangover”
Christoph Waltz – “Inglourious Basterds”
Helena Bonham Carter – “Alice In Wonderland”
Ken Jeong – “The Hangover”
Stephen Lang – “Avatar”
Tom Felton – “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”
Beyoncé Knowles vs. Ali Larter – “Obsessed”
Hugh Jackman and Liev Schreiber vs. Ryan Reynolds – “X-Men
Origins: Wolverine”
Logan Lerman vs. Jake Abel – “Percy Jackson and the
Olympians: The Lightning Thief”
Robert Downey Jr. vs. Mark Strong – “Sherlock Holmes”
Sam Worthington vs. Stephen Lang – “Avatar”
Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson – “The Twilight Saga:
New Moon”
Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning – “The Runaways”
Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds – “The Proposal”
Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner – “Valentine’s Day”
Zoe Saldana and Sam Worthington – “Avatar”
Betty White – “The Proposal,” Cops a Feel
Bill Murray – “Zombieland ,” Bill Murray?! A Zombie?!
Isabel Lucas – “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen,”
Unexpected Transformation
Ken Jeong – “The Hangover,” Naked Trunk Surprise
Megan Fox – “Jennifer’s Body,” Vomits a Mysterious Black Ooze
Robert Pattinson
Kristen Stewart
Taylor Lautner
Johnny Depp
Daniel Radcliffe
Alison Lohman – “Drag Me To Hell”
Amanda Seyfried – “Jennifer’s Body”
Jesse Eisenberg – “Zombieland”
Katie Featherston – “Paranormal Activity”
Sharlto Copley – “District 9”
Angelina Jolie
Channing Tatum
Sam Worthington
Chris Pine
I'm surprised who hard it was for me to pick who I think will win. When it comes to popular votes by America, more particularly the age group that actively votes for this award show, I feel out of touch. Oh well, you can expect a results post comparing my guesses to the actual winners. Who do you guys think will take home the popcorn trophy? Tune in to the MTV Movie Awards on June 6 at 9pm!
[via The Wrap]
“Alice In Wonderland”
“Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”
“The Hangover”
“The Twilight Saga: New Moon”
Amanda Seyfried – “Dear John”
Emma Watson – “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”
Kristen Stewart – “The Twilight Saga: New Moon”
Sandra Bullock – “The Blind Side”
Zoe Saldana – “Avatar”
Channing Tatum – “Dear John”
Daniel Radcliffe – “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”
Robert Pattinson – “The Twilight Saga: New Moon”
Taylor Lautner – “The Twilight Saga: New Moon”
Zac Efron – “17 Again”
Anna Kendrick – “Up in the Air”
Chris Pine – “Star Trek”
Gabourey Sidibe – “Precious: Based on the Novel Push by
Logan Lerman – “Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The
Lightning Thief”
Quinton Aaron – “The Blind Side”
Zach Galifianakis – “The Hangover”
Ben Stiller – “Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian”
Bradley Cooper – “The Hangover”
Ryan Reynolds – “The Proposal”
Sandra Bullock – “The Proposal”
Zach Galifianakis – “The Hangover”
Christoph Waltz – “Inglourious Basterds”
Helena Bonham Carter – “Alice In Wonderland”
Ken Jeong – “The Hangover”
Stephen Lang – “Avatar”
Tom Felton – “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”
Beyoncé Knowles vs. Ali Larter – “Obsessed”
Hugh Jackman and Liev Schreiber vs. Ryan Reynolds – “X-Men
Origins: Wolverine”
Logan Lerman vs. Jake Abel – “Percy Jackson and the
Olympians: The Lightning Thief”
Robert Downey Jr. vs. Mark Strong – “Sherlock Holmes”
Sam Worthington vs. Stephen Lang – “Avatar”
Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson – “The Twilight Saga:
New Moon”
Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning – “The Runaways”
Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds – “The Proposal”
Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner – “Valentine’s Day”
Zoe Saldana and Sam Worthington – “Avatar”
Betty White – “The Proposal,” Cops a Feel
Bill Murray – “Zombieland ,” Bill Murray?! A Zombie?!
Isabel Lucas – “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen,”
Unexpected Transformation
Ken Jeong – “The Hangover,” Naked Trunk Surprise
Megan Fox – “Jennifer’s Body,” Vomits a Mysterious Black Ooze
Robert Pattinson
Kristen Stewart
Taylor Lautner
Johnny Depp
Daniel Radcliffe
Alison Lohman – “Drag Me To Hell”
Amanda Seyfried – “Jennifer’s Body”
Jesse Eisenberg – “Zombieland”
Katie Featherston – “Paranormal Activity”
Sharlto Copley – “District 9”
Angelina Jolie
Channing Tatum
Sam Worthington
Chris Pine
I'm surprised who hard it was for me to pick who I think will win. When it comes to popular votes by America, more particularly the age group that actively votes for this award show, I feel out of touch. Oh well, you can expect a results post comparing my guesses to the actual winners. Who do you guys think will take home the popcorn trophy? Tune in to the MTV Movie Awards on June 6 at 9pm!
[via The Wrap]
award show,
Bradley Cooper
How I Met Your Mother: The Wedding Bride
Around this time last year on "How I Met Your Mother," when Ted (Josh Radnor) happened to run into his ex-fiancee Stella (Sarah Chalke) on the street, we learned of a movie called "The Wedding Bride."
The film, Future Ted told us, was a romantic comedy chronicling the relationship between Stella and her boyfriend Tony (Jason Jones), written by Tony himself, and it would open in May 2010. And lo and behold, here it is.
For more on the backstory for this trailer, visit the original article.
how i met your mother
Twilight Eclipse Soundtrack: Eclipse (All Yours) by Metric
No matter where you stand on Twilight, you have to recognize the quality soundtracks they've released. Today they're announcing the soundtrack by rolling out one track per hour on Myspace. Check out the this track by Metric:
Metric is a Canadian electro-indie rock band, with previous indie hits like "Combat Baby" and "Monster Hospital." I was lucky enough to catch them perform in a LA a few years ago and they put on a great show! Hopefully being attached to Twilight will catapult them into the stardom their talent deserves.
Since the soundtrack is being rolled out song by song all day, I'll post the complete track listings later.
Metric is a Canadian electro-indie rock band, with previous indie hits like "Combat Baby" and "Monster Hospital." I was lucky enough to catch them perform in a LA a few years ago and they put on a great show! Hopefully being attached to Twilight will catapult them into the stardom their talent deserves.
Since the soundtrack is being rolled out song by song all day, I'll post the complete track listings later.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Good Deal: Free Coffee Bean

Free Ice Blended drinks from now until 7pm! Today only!
I'm guessing this is in response to Starbucks Happy Hour. Enjoy!
good deal
Monday, May 10, 2010
Sex & The City 2: Interactive Trailer
[via @YahooMovies]
I'm surprised this film has an interactive trailer, but they certainly put it to great use! Click on anything at anytime to see more information. There's a lot of info on the sets and some plot points, but the best and most perfectly suited feature is that you can click on the ladies' clothes to see what they're wearing! Since the fashion is usually the highlight of these films, this is genius!
Monday Fun
Happy Monday! I hope everyone is well rested from a weekend filled with Betty White and Iron Man 2!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
SNL: The Betty White skits you didn't see
A number of classic character sketches had to be cut from last night's Betty White SNL episode. Watch those cut skits below:
Debbie Downer
Car Bomb Press Conference
Bronx Beat
Which sketch do you wish had made it to air last night?
Debbie Downer
Car Bomb Press Conference
Bronx Beat
Which sketch do you wish had made it to air last night?
Happy Mother's Day!
I hope everybody has a wonderful Mother's Day, either with their moms, kids, or whatever. In honor of the day, check out a couple Mother-related links from around the web:
12 Weirdest Mothers on Awkward Family Photos
Mother themed PostSecret secrets
And a video from last year that is still just so perfect:
12 Weirdest Mothers on Awkward Family Photos
Mother themed PostSecret secrets
And a video from last year that is still just so perfect:
Just for fun
SNL Highlights: Betty White
After the Snickers commercial during the Super Bowl, the love for Betty White exploded. I'm glad they played that commercial again during the broadcast! She's been all over the media and internet ever since. For once, a Facebook campaign resulted in something! I'm actually going to recommend you watch all of it, since it was the most consistently funny show in a long, long time. But if you don't have time for the whole episode, watch my three favorite clips below:
Delicious Dish on NPR
...I can't even pick out just a few lines to highlight it. Just watch it.
CSI: Sarasota
Genius. Just genius. I'm sad I couldn't find a better quality video embed. If I find a better one later, I'll switch it out.
Sometimes when they're in my lap and looking up at me with those big eyes, I think this is just a homeless man in a fur coat.
Delicious Dish on NPR
...I can't even pick out just a few lines to highlight it. Just watch it.
CSI: Sarasota
Genius. Just genius. I'm sad I couldn't find a better quality video embed. If I find a better one later, I'll switch it out.
Sometimes when they're in my lap and looking up at me with those big eyes, I think this is just a homeless man in a fur coat.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Chuck can sing?
Well, really Zachary Levi who plays Chuck Bartowski. Watch his duet with Kat McPhee below:
I personally didn't love the song. But, I did love his singing voice. I didn't expect it to be so low and full.
He'll also be singing in the upcoming Disney film Rapunzel.
I personally didn't love the song. But, I did love his singing voice. I didn't expect it to be so low and full.
He'll also be singing in the upcoming Disney film Rapunzel.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Betty White invades NBC
Last night Betty White challenged Jimmy Fallon to a beer pong rematch!
She's all over NBC this week with great promos for her stint as SNL Host tomorrow. Watch the promos below and don't forget to tune in on Saturday at 11:30pm. She'll be hosting with Jay-Z as the musical guest.
She's all over NBC this week with great promos for her stint as SNL Host tomorrow. Watch the promos below and don't forget to tune in on Saturday at 11:30pm. She'll be hosting with Jay-Z as the musical guest.
jimmy fallon,
Good Deal: Starbucks Happy Hour
Stop in at your local Starbucks for half priced frappuccinos! The deal lasts from today until May 16, but is only good during their "Happy Hour" which is 3pm to 5pm. It's kind of inconvenient for the normal work schedule, but hopefully you can stop in at some point. For more information visit the official Starbucks Happy Hour page.
good deal
Linkulous: Adults Fail to Launch, Finding Mr. Right, Twitter and more
Why Twitter Is the Future of News
Average Woman Dates 24 Men To Find 'Mr. Right'; Research: Search Costs Women More Than $3,000
More Adults ‘Fail to Launch,’ Making Parenthood Too Pricey?
Culture Warrior: Playing it Straight - How Neil Patrick Harris is changing the way we see gay actors
'The One-Week Job Project': A Journey To Find My Passion In 52 Weeks (PHOTOS) - I wish I could go on a project like this. I wish everyone experiencing the Quarterlife Crisis could!
Movie ticket prices increase 8% to highest level in a decade
TV Economics 101: Why you can't watch every show online for free
Homosexual Shmomosexual - Mad Men's Alison Brie shares an especially experimental moment of college experimentation.
Hipster culture is having a senior moment - Betty White, Samuel Halpern, 'Breakfast at Sulimay's,' NJ Lady — what's old is cool.
Average Woman Dates 24 Men To Find 'Mr. Right'; Research: Search Costs Women More Than $3,000
More Adults ‘Fail to Launch,’ Making Parenthood Too Pricey?
Culture Warrior: Playing it Straight - How Neil Patrick Harris is changing the way we see gay actors
'The One-Week Job Project': A Journey To Find My Passion In 52 Weeks (PHOTOS) - I wish I could go on a project like this. I wish everyone experiencing the Quarterlife Crisis could!
Movie ticket prices increase 8% to highest level in a decade
TV Economics 101: Why you can't watch every show online for free
Homosexual Shmomosexual - Mad Men's Alison Brie shares an especially experimental moment of college experimentation.
Hipster culture is having a senior moment - Betty White, Samuel Halpern, 'Breakfast at Sulimay's,' NJ Lady — what's old is cool.
social media,
watching tv online
Thursday, May 6, 2010
May Season Finale Calendar
May sweeps are upon us! With so many shows ending their seasons, it can get a little hectic trying to juggle all the shows. The TV Addict compiled this handy dandy calendar of all the season finale dates! You can download a copy here, or view it below:
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